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British Heavy Metal: Ridgeback PPV

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How DOES the Rid-GUH-BAHK handle? I'm guessing that, since it can be confused with something called a "Pig", it isn't exactly a Lotus through the corners.

That said, I'm SO taking it around the Top Gear track when it's released.

Come to think of it, I could reasonably guess that the Rid- er- the vehicle is probably meant to serve a role similar to a MRAP, given the slat armor and reinforced windows and the like, but what I don't get is why everyone and their mother seems to be cranking them out. You'd think one ambush-protected vehicle would be enough... or is it meant to fill some other, more mystical role?

(Like keeping the defense contractors employed)

@DrivingSituation- Oh, we've got plenty of room, yeah. Problem is, everyone and their mother thinks it all belongs to them. Add to it the fact that the Southwest is basically the rest of the country's retirement community, and you've got a royal mess around this time of year.

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I... see why they called the Humber that. That thing's ugly even by military standards!

Also, huh! That's quite the pedigree. I'm rather surprised I didn't know this fellow, the Cougar, and the Mastiff were related. But, then again, my experience is more in the "things with treads and large-bore cannons" department. Thanks for the info!

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adjusting the terriancoef should do the trick :)

Thanks Slatts, that does the trick - not so much a Dune-Buggy now (just buggy)...

Isn't it nice when a config entry does what you think it does....

You can do a polish version of this vehicle? Polish Army use this in Afghanistan. :)

A lot of countries use the Cougar, unfortunately I cannot do them all!

When it's finished (and if you like it) I'll include the editable model and you can do the Polish version yourself:)

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A lot of countries use the Cougar, unfortunately I cannot do them all!

When it's finished (and if you like it) I'll include the editable model and you can do the Polish version yourself:)

Nice one :)

I'm certain there are a few differences in how the vehicle is equipped but the main one is the Poles have their own mounted gun.

Edited by belgerot

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Still plodding on with this.

Apart from spending every waking hour unwrapping bar armour, I've had a go at some damage modelling.


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Really like the damage model, project looks to be coming on nicely keep up the good work! :D

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Having re-read my last post it seems to have come across a bit abrupt

so apologies for that, I must have been in a bad mood ....

Here's a couple of screens from the armory which hopefully show some progress?

Tweaking the lower LODs at the moment to try and get the right balance,

and I've still got the interior to attempt but I've only got a few reference images to work with.

I struggle with interiors anyway - you could go on modelling forever!



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Looks like a mean piece of kit, nice one. Hate to ask but do you plan a woodland version also? Keep up the good work.

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The fucking bees knees cleggy, surprised I missed this. Looking forward to it! There was a time that we were sorely looking for a battle bus, nice to see one being made by a safe pair of hands

Looks like a mean piece of kit, nice one. Hate to ask but do you plan a woodland version also? Keep up the good work.

New directive from above, all vehicles going to ghanners are to be painted in mtp and have doors cut to American standards (bit wider for the septics to fit in all their.. Supplies)

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The fucking bees knees cleggy, surprised I missed this. Looking forward to it! There was a time that we were sorely looking for a battle bus, nice to see one being made by a safe pair of hands

New directive from above, all vehicles going to ghanners are to be painted in mtp and have doors cut to American standards (bit wider for the septics to fit in all their.. Supplies)

Is that on DII by any chance I haven't heard that one yet and am not looking forward to it if its true.

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Looking bloody marvelous, Cleggy. Great work.

Mind you, I knew it would be if your Bulldog was anything to go by. Can't wait to try it out ingame.


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Thanks very much for the comments everyone.

One needs a bit of feedback every now and then - especially if it's positive (and from guys better at it than I am)!:)

As the nearest I've got to one of these things is Google - if anyone can comment on what I think I know about the interior that would be good.

So here goes:

It's a 'left hooker'. (do people still use that expression?)

The gunner sits to the drivers right and has the weapon station in front of him mounted on top of the dashboard. Underneath is another screen (comms?).

A bulkhead with a central doorway divides the driver from the dismounts.

Passenger compartment:

four seats. Racing type with four part harness.

left front: airconditioning unit.

right front: some sort of comms rack/tower.

In the corners the SDU screens (not sure how many).

Not sure if it has the table thingy for standing on like the Mastiff.

Thats about it which still needs a lot of space to fill! Any help appreciated.

do you plan a woodland version also?

Someone had to mention the "W" word! If I do it right it could only be a bit of hiddentexture swapping.... we'll see.

Edited by cleggy

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Still use the term left hooker yeah.

I would take it that the Radio mount would be for the ECM suite, although im not 100% on that.

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How is this even possible - I just saw this thread for the first time...I am mad at my self...:D

Btw: Great work, very nice! :bounce3:

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How is this even possible - I just saw this thread for the first time...I am mad at my self...

Thanks for joining in Pauliess, but don't be mad at yourself - there's much better stuff going on here than this old bucket ... I forgive you! :)

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Are these similar to the US marines Cougars?

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Are these similar to the US marines Cougars?

Hi ya SV, always welcome your interest - and from so far away too!

Yes, this is meant to be the British version of the Cougar - which basically means we slap a sh*t load of armour on it so you can't open the driver or passenger doors and everyone has to enter/leave from the rear.

Probably means that it slows to a crawl as well with all the extra crap that it's carrying. This of course is pure guesswork on my part as I have absolutely zero knowledge of the real thing.

My model is *cough* an artists impression and therefore defies the laws of physics (and logic) and is as nimble as a ballerina!

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If you like I can send you some ingame pics of the VBS2 Cougar model interior, its pretty basic thou, but might give you a start.

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If you like I can send you some ingame pics of the VBS2 Cougar model interior, its pretty basic thou, but might give you a start.

The Mastiff would be more representative I would think. :)

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well i guess i better get clicking then

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