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Arms dealer template

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Hi guys,

I have created a very basic arms dealer template in which you will find some TOH weapons, ammo, and other stuff.

There are also 3 beefed-up choppers that you should take for a ride (get in as Pilot and press left mouse button..).

Could save mission makers some time, or just let you shoot and blow up stuff in your new favorite heli sim :D

This template is just to get you started, there's bound to be more stuff but I was too lazy to keep on searching for it... :cool:


1. Unzip the download archive and copy the contents to 'C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Take On Helicopters Other Profiles\<profile name>\missions' folder.

2. Load up the editor on Seattle map and load mission "ArmsDealer_template_100".

3. Hit Preview and start shooting :p Or just copy from the init fields and use in your own missions.

Download link:


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Well, you could set up a radio trigger which adds another magazine to the helicopter.

Something like this in the On Activation field:

heli1 addMagazine "2000Rnd_762x51_M134_H";

(assuming you name your helicopter "heli1")

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How did you determine the weapons name and ammo class? Are there any others, like FFAR, or 30MM for that matter? good work though!

---------- Post added at 04:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:47 PM ----------

Disregard...I found the answer! FFAR_H = weapon class!; 14Rnd_FFAR_H = ammo, or magazine!!

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Yay, great stuff! Let's blow some stuff up :)

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That's correct, as it's just a template for adding weapons/ammo/etc.

Some things you have to figure out for yourself ;)

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