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COOP 5 Crash (Lingor v1.3)

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A friend and I have been working on a zombies map based on Lingor. taking a cue from the original Quarantine levels made for Armed Assault, the map features not only zombies but also a rebel faction. The premise behind it is that Lingor has become the center of a zombie virus (naturally), and you're part of a 5-man multi-national squad whose helicopter has been shot down by rebels while trying to rescue some stranded survivors at the far southeast end of the island. After surviving the crash, but with almost all of your equipment gone (naturally), you have to make your way back to the Maruko international airport where the NATO relief force has established a safe zone.

I shamelessly stole Celery's pretty excellent idea of severely limiting ammunition and weapons found on the map, so the player is forced to play tactically or they will die. I have triggers are Undead Mod spawn modules set up in almost every town, as well as random spawners hidden throughout the countryside.

Some of my major questions to the community are as follows:

1. Would the community prefer Charon's Undead Mod or Celery's (IMO excellent) addon-free zombie scripts?

2. Is Lingor a good map for a zombie game to begin with?

3. Does anyone have any interest in this game?

4. Would anyone with a server be willing to playtest with me?

Thanks all,


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I feel celery's version has all the zombie needs you could want. So I would vote for that.

The map can be easily changed by mission makers. Edit* have you checked out the map "celle"? Its wooded areas with the proper fog scripting would be sexy as hell.


Im sure there plenty of playtesters out there. i currently am busy with my own arma group / life. Possibly on the weekends tho, mainly saturday.

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1. I personally prefer Celery's Zombies as they tend to work better IMHO. But I personally suggest to give the option to use Charon's zombie models/classes as they look better. So an addon-free version and an addon enabled version. Just a personal suggestion.

2. I have played some rounds on it involving my mission, Dynamic Zombie Sandbox, and it was good, the jungle atmosphere at night is nice/scary.

3. Me! and the rest of the Degeneration Team do!

4. Sure

Good luck, and if you have any questions I am open.


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I like the jungle environment of Lingor, and combined with thunderstorms and rain it's excellent.

I agree with using Celery's units. IMO they are a lot better and more functional than Charon's Undead, which seem to have problems. Plus the fast zombies are a lot more dangerous in the ArmA world than the slow zombies.

If you guys are interested in testing on a server, please let me know how to do that... I'm pretty new to all this!

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After a week's worth of testing it's obvious to me that the Charon zombies are not an option anymore -- after about 30 minutes' worth of play, the game lags so much that it's just not enjoyable.

Working on a way to incorporate Celery's zombies as we speak!

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