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Dog Patrol | Script

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Description: This script allows you to add a canine patrol to attack and play sounds like a real dog.

Version: 0.03

Author: Monovdd | Carlos A. Arango S. ([email protected])

Credits: Team Condor (Gladiador and Kmilomore) | CLA (http://www.arma2la.com)

Requirements: CBA Community Based addon

Usage: Copy files from the mission example to the folder of your mission and put the following in the init of the unit group leader.

_nul = [this, RACE, QUANTITY] execvm "scripts\patrullaperruna.sqf";


You can change the following values:


Race Valid values​​:


- "FIN"

Value quantity: The desired amount of dogs you want in the patrol.


_nul = [this, "PASTOR", 1] execvm "scripts\patrullaperruna.sqf";




- Fixed the script to do harm. Absolute injury definitely changed relative danger.

- Sound fixes. Barking dynamic.

- Fixed initial configuration script.

- Fixed pattern of movement and persecution.

- Modified the way in which the dog detects entities. Enemies and friends.



Edited by monovdd

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Will they patrol together with human AI or only as seperate group ?

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Will they patrol together with human AI or only as seperate group ?

Human AI ?!

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Will they patrol together with human AI or only as seperate group ?

This script allows you to add a dog to any unit. You can added to player or Ia unit as well. :)

---------- Post added at 03:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 PM ----------

Thank you very much

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This script allows you to add a dog to any unit. You can added to player or Ia unit as well. :)

But what will happen if the groupleader (human AI :p) orders the dog to switch stance or change behaviour...no problem ?

Sounds great !

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