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Pilots vest act as backpack

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I would like to make the pilots flightsuit/vest act as a backpack, so I can store the pilots equipment and weapon. I am not sure if I need to model the vest as a separate model or if it is a config issue. I tried both and cant get either one to work.... here is my config:

class USBasicBag;

class cmu33: USBasicBag {
scope = 2;
model = "\mar_pilot\data\gear\cmu33.p3d";
transportMaxMagazines = 10;
 	transportMaxWeapons = 1;

class TransportMagazines {
		class _xx_SmokeShellGreen {
			magazine = "SmokeShellGreen";
			count = 1;

Do I need to make some sort of model or can I do this with just a config?

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the backpacks are models, so using that code you have above your model would be the cmu33.p3d. StalkerGB has a tut and example on where you need to position the backpack model for it to fit properly on the unit. You will also need to add the backpack proxy to your unit model and in the config for the unit add cancarrybackpack = true; (I think that is the code, can't remember off the top of my head)

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the hardest part about it, would be positioning the backpack right. i've been thinking about making the FLC vest a backpack in a later project, but i've never gotten around to it.

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I dont want an actual backpack on the unit (it would not look accurate for a pilot having a backpack). I just want to have the storage space of a backpack.

I made a very small box and put a smoke grenade inside, but I could not get it to attach to the unit? I have the added proxy that StalkerGB supplied on the unit.

What I want to simulate is the pouches on the vest actually being able to store equipment.

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Technically ingame it is acting as a backpack, but it can look like anything as far as I know.

You need a 3d model of the vest you want, define it in a config as a backpack and then experiment with placement by linking the backpack proxy to the new model you have made and then previewing in Bulldozer. This is how I typically set up custom NVGs. Create your vest model, point your backpack proxy to said model, preview in Bulldozer, see where it should be positioned, adjust your vest models location, preview in bulldozer, rinse repeat until you find a good position.

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the backpacks are models, so using that code you have above your model would be the cmu33.p3d. StalkerGB has a tut and example on where you need to position the backpack model for it to fit properly on the unit. You will also need to add the backpack proxy to your unit model and in the config for the unit add cancarrybackpack = true; (I think that is the code, can't remember off the top of my head)

Thanks I solved it.... I did not have cancarrybackpack = true!!!!! Thanks for your help

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