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Player addAction attach IR Strobe to player?

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Is there a way to addAction a player that will create an IR Stobe and attach it to said player?

My goal: Player is in thick woods at night while buddy is flying overhead with a littlebird but doesnt want to kill me. So I scroll my action menu and select "Turn IR On" and an IR Strobe follows me everywhere I go until I die.

This is the closest I found but it's for ACE, which I don't want to use:


Something like this perhaps? Just an idea. :rolleyes:

Player Init

 p1 addAction [("<t color=""#EEEE00"">" + ("Turn IR On") +"</t>"), "Scripts\IR_Strobe.sqf"];


 _irstrobe = "ACE_IRStrobe_Object" createVehicle  getPos  p1;
 _irstrobe attachTo[p1,[0,0,0],""];
 ["ace_sys_irstrobe_aradd", [_irstrobe]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;

Edited by Semedar
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This is what I have so far. It works, but when you start to run, the strobe eventually detaches from the character and is stuck on the ground.

//By Semedar
//Player Init: p1 addAction [("<t color=""#FFFFFF"">" + ("Strobe") +"</t>"), "Scripts\Player\Strobe.sqf"];

while { true } do
_irstrobe = "IR_Strobe_Marker" createVehicle  getPos  player;
_irstrobe attachTo [player,[0,0,1],""];
Sleep 5;
deleteVehicle _irstrobe;

Edit: I found out it detaches when the model disappears but the strobe is still on. Anyone know how to make the strobe light follow the character?

Edit 2: I also found out that the IR Strobe model disappears somewhere around 13-15 seconds. So maybe having it delete the IR Strobe and then creating a new one every 12-13 seconds?

Another Edit: I can't seem to delete the IR Strobe that I created via createVehicle with deleteVehicle. Anyone help me here?

Edited by Semedar

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if attachTo doesn't work, you can use this alternative:

stroboDrop = false;
_irstrobe = "IR_Strobe_Marker" createVehicle (getPos  player);

while {!stroboDrop} do { 
_irstrobe setpos [(getPos player select 0), (getPos player select 1), 1];
_irstrobe setDir (getDir player);
sleep 0.01;

_irstrobe setpos [(getPos player select 0), (getPos player select 1), 0];

This way, to drop the strobo, you just have to set stroboDrop to true.

stroboDrop = true;

Then you can call it again, and so on.

Edited by sxp2high

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if attachTo doesn't work, you can use this alternative:

stroboDrop = false;
_irstrobe = "IR_Strobe_Marker" createVehicle (getPos  player);

while {!stroboDrop} do { 
_irstrobe setpos [(getPos player select 0), (getPos player select 1), 1];
_irstrobe setDir (getDir player);
sleep 0.01;

_irstrobe setpos [(getPos player select 0), (getPos player select 1), 0];

This way, to drop the strobo, you just have to set stroboDrop to true.

stroboDrop = true;

Then you can call it again, and so on.

Tried yours but it just makes the strobe spawn and stay on the ground. :(

I think we're going to have to send a bug report because I don't think we can move/delete/mess around with an IR Strobe once it's been "deployed". As in the model disappears and all it leaves behind is the strobe light.

Edited by Semedar

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setPos it to [-10000,-10000,100000] before you delete it

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setPos it to [-10000,-10000,100000] before you delete it

Won't work either. :(

while { true } do
_irstrobeplayer = "IRStrobe" createVehicle  getPos  player;
_irstrobeplayer attachTo [player,[0,0,2],""];
Sleep 10;
[b]_irstrobeplayer setPosATL [-10000,-10000,100000];[/b]
deleteVehicle _irstrobeplayer;

My test mission:


Edited by Semedar

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you need to detach it first I guess

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you need to detach it first I guess

Hah, it was that simple, huh? :D

It worked, though! :D

while { true } do
_irstrobeplayer = "IRStrobe" createVehicle  getPos  player;
_irstrobeplayer attachTo [player,[0,0,1],""];
Sleep 15;
detach _irstrobeplayer;
_irstrobeplayer setPosATL [-10000,-10000,100000];
Sleep 0.1;
deleteVehicle _irstrobeplayer;
Sleep 0.1;

Question now, though:

  1. How would I be able to start/stop this script via Action Menu
  2. How to stop it when the player dies

---------- Post added at 03:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:26 AM ----------

Would something like this work?

// Strobe2.sqf
// By Semedar
// Player Init: p1 addAction [("<t color=""#FFFFFF"">" + ("Strobe") +"</t>"), "Strobe2.sqf"];

strobe = true;

while { strobe } do
_irstrobeplayer = "IRStrobe" createVehicle  getPos  player;
_irstrobeplayer attachTo [player,[0,0,2],""];
Sleep 14.8;
detach _irstrobeplayer;
_irstrobeplayer setPosATL [-10000,-10000,100000];
Sleep 0.1;
deleteVehicle _irstrobeplayer;
Sleep 0.1;

WaitUntil{not isNull player};
player addEventHandler ["killed", {strobe = false}];

Edited by Semedar

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You can use the Strobe Effect instead of the IR-Marker model (ammo).

_irstrobe = "NVG_TargetW" createVehicle getpos unitName;

_irstrobe attachTo [unitName,[0,0,0.2],"neck"];

You can choose between three IR-Targets:

"NVG_TargetC": Independent AI will attack this.

"NVG_TargetW": West AI will attack this.

"NVG_TargetE": East AI will attack this.

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Mission Init:

strobeOn = player addAction ["MS-2000 On","strobeStart.sqf"];

strobeStart.sqf: (Working Now)

// strobeStart.sqf
// By Semedar
// Player Init: unit addAction ["MS-2000 On", "strobeStart.sqf"];

player removeAction strobeOn;
Sleep 0.1;
strobeOff = player addAction ["MS-2000 Off", "strobeStop.sqf"];

strobe = true;

while { strobe } do
_irstrobe = "NVG_TargetC" createVehicle getpos player;
_irstrobe attachTo [player,[0,0,0.2],"neck"];
Sleep 0.8;
detach _irstrobe;
deleteVehicle _irstrobe;
Sleep 0.1;

WaitUntil{not isNull player};
player addEventHandler ["killed", {strobe = false}];

strobeStop.sqf: (Working Now)

// strobeStop.sqf
// By Semedar
// Player Init: unit addAction ["MS-2000 Off", "strobeStop.sqf"];

player removeAction strobeOff;
Sleep 0.1;
strobeOn = player addaction ["MS-2000 On","strobeStart.sqf"];

strobe = false;

detach _irstrobe;
_irstrobe setPosATL [-10000,-10000,100000];
deleteVehicle _irstrobe;


Edit: Fixed :D Reason being the actions were local Edited the script I posted in case someone wants to use it. :D

Edited by Semedar

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Would be nice to have this work during the day time aswell. Somthing like the AC-130 script with the thermal image.

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Mission Init:

while { strobe } do
_irstrobe = "NVG_TargetC" createVehicle getpos player;
_irstrobe attachTo [player,[0,0,0.2],"neck"];
Sleep 0.8;
detach _irstrobe;
deleteVehicle _irstrobe;
Sleep 0.1;

This is needless. "NVG_TargetC" is blinking by itself.

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If you want to have this function active only if a player has an IR strobe in their inventory:

Don't add any code to the mission init (or remove it if you've already placed it) - because it will be in the trigger.

Create a trigger with the following parameters:

axis a: 0

axis b: 0

condition: "IRStrobe" in magazines player

On Activation: strobeOn = player addAction ["MS-2000 On","strobeStart.sqf"];

On Deactivation: player removeAction strobeOn;

Edited by nephros

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