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Dialogs & interface sizes

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Hello all,

I'm having some trouble with a GUI I've made with Gaia's tool. It doesn't format properly for people who's interface size is not very small (the size I built it in).

I read through this thread here and tried what it suggested but to no avail. Perhaps I was doing it wrong though. Could anyone show me what I need to do to make it build properly on other interface sizes please?

Many thanks,


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Looks okay from a brief look.

Can you please make a screenshot of the dialog with different interface sizes.

Remember to restart the game after each change before making a screenshot.

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Seems you are using safeZone wrong.

x = "(safeZoneX + (safeZoneW / 3.6))"; 
y = "(safeZoneY + (safeZoneH / 3.085))"; 
w = "(safeZoneW / 50)";
h = "(safeZoneH / 50)";


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Hm that is what he is using (I assume generated by Gaia's tool).

Except for x/100 it uses 0.XX.


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Hm that is what he is using (I assume generated by Gaia's tool).

Except for x/100 it uses 0.XX.


Yes, that is correct. :)


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Very small:








This might be useful also, it's where the classes are defined:


I'm not sure I follow what you're saying about the safe zones.

Thanks for your help so far. :)

Edited by Hellfire257

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Only basic math. Different roads to the same result. :)

Anyway the screenshot helps a lot to actually understand your problem.

Sorry to say: Welcome to button hell. :j:

The actual positioning of the element is correct.

Your problem is the text is not aligned.

Buttons (RscShortcutButton) have this subclass. If you figure out how do

set this right, you can call yourself a master of dialog design in arma. :bounce3:

class TextPos
	left = 0.05;
	top = 0.034;
	right = 0.005;
	bottom = 0.005;

You probably need to approach your goal differently. :(

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Here's how I have been avoiding all that in WOO. I basically use percentages of the available screen to scale my dialogs.

	x = safeZoneX-(safeZoneW*0.01);
y = safeZoneY-(safeZoneH*0.01);
w = safeZoneW*1.02;
h = safeZoneH*1.02;	

And, if I want to have multiple buttons in one row, I just add more percentage-points:

	class MBG_WOO_main_MUFU_Button_1 : MBG_WOO_BASE_BUTTON {
	idc = 59801;
	colorBackground[] = MBG_WOO_COLOR_NONE;
	x = safeZoneX+(safeZoneW*0.87);
	y = safeZoneY+(safeZoneH*0.11);
	w = safeZoneW*0.03;
	h = safeZoneH*0.05;
	colorBackgroundActive[] = MBG_WOO_COLOR_ALPHAYELLOW; 
	soundEnter[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\new1.wss", 0.1, 1};	
	soundPush[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\new2.wss", 0.1, 1};			

class MBG_WOO_main_MUFU_Button_2 : MBG_WOO_main_MUFU_Button_1 {
	idc = 59802;
	x = safeZoneX+(safeZoneW*0.91);

class MBG_WOO_main_MUFU_Button_3 : MBG_WOO_main_MUFU_Button_1 {
	idc = 59803;
	x = safeZoneX+(safeZoneW*0.95);

And to keep up with the font-size, I do this:

#define MBG_WOO_FONT_SIZE 			0.018 * safezoneH

Maybe that helps. :)

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That last part might be it - thanks for sharing Mondkalb :bounce3:

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Okay, I think I can piece this together now. Experimentation is required! I'll see you all in several years! :p

I'll report back if I get anywhere.

Thanks everyone!

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Hey all,

Still haven't managed to get to the bottom of this. I tried to simply change the font size and the position of the text in relation to a set factor determined by safeZones however that didn't work.

Mondkalb, what type of button where you using for MBG_WOO_main_MUFU_Button_1?

I fear an entire rewrite is necessary!

Thanks all,


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Mondkalb, what type of button where you using for MBG_WOO_main_MUFU_Button_1?

class MBG_WOO_main_MUFU_Button_1 : MBG_WOO_BASE_BUTTON {

It inherits from MBG_WOO_BASE_BUTTON, which looks like this:

idc = -1;
type = 1;
style = 0x02;
default = 0;
colorText[] = MBG_WOO_COLOR_WHITE;
colorFocused[] = MBG_WOO_COLOR_NONE; 
colorDisabled[] = MBG_WOO_COLOR_NONE;
colorBackground[] = MBG_WOO_COLOR_NONE; 
colorBackgroundDisabled[] = MBG_WOO_COLOR_NONE; 
colorBackgroundActive[] = MBG_WOO_COLOR_NONE; 
offsetX = 0.003;
offsetY = 0.003;
offsetPressedX = 0.002;
offsetPressedY = 0.002;
colorShadow[] = MBG_WOO_COLOR_NONE; 
colorBorder[] = MBG_WOO_COLOR_NONE;
borderSize = 0.0;
soundEnter[] = { "", 0, 1 };
soundPush[] = { "", 0.1, 1 };
soundClick[] = { "", 0, 1 }; 
soundEscape[] = { "", 0, 1 };
x = 0.4; y = 0.475;
w = 0.2; h = 0.05;
text = "";
action = "";

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I fixed it by simply using a different button (CT_BUTTON) to use as a base, but I also rebuilt the entire thing using what you've shown me.

Thanks very much Mondkalb! :D

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