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CombinedOps Shop and Money Using ACE Weapons And Roleplay Objects

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Hey guys. Ive read every topic concerning a money system on the forums and found some useful information.I also looked through Murphys Guide and read Scripting tutorials on armaholic. I found the Dr.Murphys MonTut Money Tutorial which gives the basics enough but the scripts only give you an add action menu for Buy gun and its for one weapon. I'm trying to make the store I'm working on creating carry much more then one item. ACE2 has a plethora of weapons and although I wont add all of them I do want to add more then one weapon to my store. And the system of money is stored in a variable where as I know I can still use the variable I am wanting to implement Roleplay Objects where you have actual menu items showing money. This is for a little Zombie Mission Ive made. And we all know its boring to not be able to purchase weapons and it makes it interesting to have to get them a t varying stages in the mission which means I would like to have certain weapons Locked to buy until certain conditions are met.

(#1Problem So In all I'm trying to make the Store a store by carrying several items not just one.)

Make the money manageable using the Roleplay objects cash items

Make some weapons unavailable till certain conditions are met.

Most Money topics are very bland and don't help and the other topics were not about Multiple items being sold therefore Here I am.

I really appreciate the community here You guys are great Im going to be uploading an Americas Army 2 mission for the Arma2 community soon.

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Basically any value system is numbers, you just "call" it cash or credits, store them in your "wallet" using setVariable or global variables.

And for your shop, you want dialogs, this is advanced stuff i believe, but several good examples doing various stuff with dialogs around, but dont expect it to be easy difficulty level.


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A working shop is a very advanced script and dialog. Its nearly impossible to make a "How-To" for you, but you could have a look in existing shop-scripts for example in Warfare.

Mondkalb and me made a mission sometime ago with a shopdialog made by Mondkalb. You can find it here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12910&highlight=CREATIONISM

Unpack it and have a look in the files. Maybe it already fit your needs (there are config files for adding new weapons).

The best way to make such a script on your own: Look into existing scripts-> adapt it -> improve it.

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Yes Its going to be no doubt a task Demonized I appreciate your response. When you say dialogs you mean like the Fallout 3 stuff with voices and such with Choices in the menus click one and get three more options. Yes if that's what you meant then you pinned the nail on the head.Spoken can be added I'm sure but just for the Tree of dialog is a task on its own. I'm willing to learn what ever I need to. Whatever I learn from doing this I can apply later to my other missions and projects. So as far the Variable portion for money goes in the Money tutorial the variable is set so I'm using that Example how to apply that to Object cash though I'm unsure of.

Neo Armageddon I appreciate your response as well and the warfare scripts I was looking for last night and as for the Creationism I have had it. I liked it and I never even thought of breaking that open to have a look at the mechanics. Now the only thing about creationism is that I'm sure I could use some of it but its already accessible when you start the game and the weapons option to buy really should not be available till a certain point. Its funny you mention creationism because the first thing that came to mind when I got it was-" Man this would be cool for Zombie missions."Great mod by the way did you guys have that script take part in MCC sandbox its almost the same concept but more advanced. I'm honored that you guys replied you guys are Scripting legends lol.A good example of the Dialog that Ive seen is the F-18 how it has several menus accessible via a main menu. Heres whats up IM going to make a shop IM going to put guns on the walls like they are hanging on racks - Not accessible to the player- then a guy behind the counter and when you speak to him you have a menu allowing the purchase of Pistols, Long guns,Autos" not All ACE weapons available however just like 5 of each category or so. Then I could adapt the script to another NPC for Food etc. This is the ultimate goal so you have a better understanding of what I'm trying to do.

--Wow the Dialog page really helped out I never knew there were so many options for text menus. So now I wonder If I should try making the menu have the Picture and price of the weapon in the picture for each weapon and make each picture a button in a breakdown menu dialog.Like a flash game where you choose your weapons you want to buy by clicking the picture with its price.

Edited by Eaglezero6205

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Yes this Example Actually is a bit more then what I was thinking so I guess it wouldn't hurt to have all the weapons available then As I thought I would be limited to only the add action sub menus with limited slots for actions. This would be even better. I will break open the Creationism and have a look to get a better understanding of how to set it up. What menu is that. Warfare?

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What menu is that. Warfare?

Selfscripted by Mondkalb

Now the only thing about creationism is that I'm sure I could use some of it but its already accessible when you start the game and the weapons option to buy really should not be available till a certain point.

Thats not a problem, just activate die dialog later or attach it to a shop object (flagpole, etc) via actionmenu.

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Hey Neo I Opened up the Creationism and had a look at the scripts. I'm viewing them as I speak now and I love the Weapons section and The way its setup If Used something like this how would I go about it without breaking the script and without Copying you guys Also to make it have the Zombie Mission appeal I would like to make a Blood splatter.paa image to match the Store setting. Any tips

After Viewing over the scripts I was wondering If maybe I could use Creationism scratch the custom menu blood splatter idea and make it so that the building portion of the script and the acme portion of the script don't appear or are locked to only allow the purchase of weapons and ammo. then all I would have to do is make it so that the Role play money is used to purchase the weapons. Using the whole Kit and kabootle of the creationism program wouldn't exactly match up to the specs of what the missions focus is. and I would have to stop the Builder option from coming up till you went to the store location but In all creationism was an epic suggestion to look at let me know what you think as its yours and I don't want to do anything without permissions. I can make another way if I absolutely have to but I am trying to keep it simple. I can read script well but I have never written one.

Edited by Eaglezero6205

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I don't want to do anything without permissions.

Nobody will be angry if you adapt something (but credits will be great). If you want to reuse something without writing it on your own, Mondkalbs readme says:

ASK for permission if you want to change and/or reuse anything of this addon.

So if you want to use parts of creationism, just write a PM to Mondkalb.

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I just stumbled over this thread.

It is totally fine by me if you open creationism or any other of my addons to see how something particular was scripted/created. Because, after all, this is how this modding-community evolved: By learning from stuff that was already there and available.

But, as soon as you copy & paste stuff that others made, you're responsible for keeping proper attribution/credits.

Now, regarding your problem:

It's fine by me if you want to modify the creationism dialogs (=user interface), but, realistically speaking, if you have never touched dialogs before, you won't find any joy and ease in modifying the Creationism interface.

I'd say first off you should work through the many dialog tutorials that are around nowadays. Make some basic buttons, text fields and the like. Make yourself familiar with the basic matter, before you start diving into modifying someone else's work that you probably don't fully understand. And by having at least created some basic dialogs, your understanding of someone else's work will be much faster and easier.

Oh, and ditch the dialog creator tools for now, they are just helping you with aligning the buttons correctly, but they don't help you with programming some real use into them.

I'm saying this not to stop you, but to prepare you. Because most of the big and ambitious projects die after day #1 because the author wasn't fully prepared.

And to fully understand the creationism dialogs, you'd need to know about dialogs, functions, eventHandlers, displayEventHandlers and local vs. global issues.

Oh, and one last thing: Once you're done with your project, please share it and allow everyone else to modify your modifications. It's just fair, right?

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Hey there I appreciate you guys very much I would actually like to create this all by myself as in my scripts that's why I asked how I could do it without copying you guys don't get me wrong here It would probably be easy to just modify after looking through somethings but I was wanting originally to learn this. And finally have the confidence to write something on my own I don't like to bother other people for anything but I just really had to start some where and without knowing anything about how to set something like this up,even the basics, I was not going to get far. I now know where I need to start I have a lot to learn.And this will not happen over night I fully intend to release this when I finish and I'm not one to rush through and release. I try to get things streamline. I saw that what I am trying to do was already within your program and neo having mentioned It I figured I would try use it to make this a community effort However I see that its not being very considerate of your work thus I have chosen not use the program nor modify it I will have a look at as many tutorials I as I need to and write this as Unique to my needs. I will however give credit to all of you for the script I write because I would not have done it without the communities help.

I however do appreciate your blessing to modify. Id rather learn it so I can help others learn it as well.and have a more positive impact over my skill as a mission maker then to just modify someone Else's work and give credit for letting me be lazy.lol Thanks again guys any other helpful links you guys may have feel free to point me to em. I want to learn as much as I can.

Edited by Eaglezero6205

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