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One more time cutscene trouble

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I want to start a complex cutscene within a mission. The „actors“ are the player and a russian soldier and a civilian in a house. The cutscene should start when the player activates a trigger by walking into a certain area. That`s no problem, I did it by activation west. In the trigger I wrote by On activation: this exec „cutscene.sqs“. So I called my script. At the beginning of the script I set the player setcaptive true, setbehaviour „stealth“ and setunitpos „down“. I also gave the player a hidden WP in that house that should be activated by the script. Here I wrote Cut=true into my script. It`s a move WP, so normally the player-avatar should move automatically inside the house in a cutscene. (the camera settings are no problem, hope so) But when I activate the trigger by running into that area, the player-avatar freezes standing still. Why that? Any ideas?

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Does the AI take control of player in your other in-game


I mean, AI controls "player" in intros, but does it control

player if you enter cutscene in mission?

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I don`t know... That`s part of my problem...

How else could I do a bigger cutscene in a mission, with the player as actor?

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But hey:

At least in "Red Hammer" campaign's mission,

where you needed to steal repair truck, there

was a cutscene, where player was "the actor".

He pointed that tank crew man with his gun and so on..

So your problem is probably not the one I mentioned.

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Maybe then I should mail Codemasters. Who did the mission design? I wonder if they would help me tounge.gif

BTW how does that merging works? Maybe I could merge the cutscene into the mission confused.gif

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merging is only used for campaigns

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">merging is only used for campaigns<span id='postcolor'>

I thought that you could merge two missions into one.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Then I have to do my cutscene by try-and-error<span id='postcolor'>

Maybe there might be something wrong with that WP thing.

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I also tried to use the commands "Player move getpos Target", but that didn`t worked. I thought if I could get the guy moving, I could work with the Distance command to stop him 1,5 meters behind his russian victim.

So I thought, but the software is barricading my creativeness biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Player move getpos Target<span id='postcolor'>


player doMove getpos Target


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I don`t know if I remembered the command wrong, or if I tried it wrong yesterday... would be too stupid tounge.gif

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Had the same problem. I assume you cannot move the player with commands when he is "player".

I used a little trick: Define your ap and remember his face. Then create a new unit (same as ap) and give him the same face (Setface command as I recall; AI controlled!wink.gif. Hide the second player far away (so you don't stumble over him during the mission). Use "setpos" command to exchange the two positions at the start of the cutscene (with "Black In" if necessary) and use the second one for the clip. He will move and react the way you wish. Once the cutscene has ended exchange the two postitions again. Nobody will notice they were swapped.

Hope this helped you...

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