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Nogovan UH1

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As my second present to the OFP community, i am now releasing the Nogovan UH1.

NAF UH1 1.0

Release 1.0

By NAF Team, Released by R0adki11



To contact me please feel to use the Bis Forums

or email me at [email protected]



- Supah from Nogovan Armed Forces Project for giving me the permission to release this addon.

- Sole from Nogovan Armed Forces Project for giving me the permission to release this addon.

- FW200 from Nogovan Armed Forces Project for giving me the permission to release this addon.

- Bis for this great game we all still enjoy.




- Public Release



There is 1 PBO files in the zipe file, which need to be extracted into your Operation Flashpoint Addons folder or

appropiate Mod folder.



UH1 can be found under:

Resistance Side >> Nogovan Airforce >>



NAFuhhuey - Resistance side version

NAFuhhuey_gun - Resistance side version

Weapons Classnames




- RKI_WEAP - My weapon pack, supplied with Nogovan Light Infantry pack

- RKI_NLI - Nogovan Light Infantry

Author's note


Any comments about this addon,please feel free to pm on the forums or contact me be email.


Please visit the Official Forum for discussions of this addon.


This is NOT an official Addon. Use it at your own risk.

You are free to distribute this addon under the condition that you keep it free.

Do not modify this addon without explicit permission of the original author.

This addon is for personal entertainmentonly, other uses are forbidden unless explicit permission has been given.

Download from:




Edited by R0adki11

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i don't know which one did it, but i put the desert units with the aircraft on desert island and it said something about it couldn't load everything together because of issues with nafcom whatever that is. am i missing something?

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i don't know which one did it, but i put the desert units with the aircraft on desert island and it said something about it couldn't load everything together because of issues with nafcom whatever that is. am i missing something?

I didnt realise it needed nafcom, i dont have OFP installed anymore so have been able to test. Its ages since ive looked at this addon. I will upload nafcom tonight when ive got home from work.

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Thank You very much R0adki11! With this I can finish my small campaign soon! Thanks, thanks, thanks! :yay:


Thats correct, sorry about the missing addon.

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Thats correct, sorry about the missing addon.

Uhm... Unfortunately not, RKI_Com it's not NAF Com - I've all previous addons and can't run UH-1, nor MiG-21 - I'm getting the same error as BronzeEagle (missing nafcom) or (randomly) no entry .modelSpecial. So, something is wrong in config here, I guess... :(

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Uhm... Unfortunately not, RKI_Com it's not NAF Com - I've all previous addons and can't run UH-1, nor MiG-21 - I'm getting the same error as BronzeEagle (missing nafcom) or (randomly) no entry .modelSpecial. So, something is wrong in config here, I guess... :(

here is NAFcom, that should fix it hopefully. http://naf.8bit-online.co.uk/files/ofp/NAFcom.zip

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...and a dedicated helicopter. Splendid!

Thanks :)

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