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Gorgi Knootewoot


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Should John Romero make another 3d-shooter?

I think <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>YES</span>.

He invented it, and i liked his games. I had much fun in the

past with Catacombs 3D and Wolfenstein. Doom and Quake

where great. I am one of the few people that actually liked

Daikatana. It had some huge great levels with nice monsters

and very original weapons. The music was great of this game

and it gave some nice atmosphere to the game.

But John gave up. Yes, after he left ionstorm he started

another company called "Monkeystone". Here they make

games for the Handheld PC PDA. I hope he will make a

nice shooter for the PC again sometime.

<span style='font-size:27pt;line-height:100%'>YES I DO</span> Haircut-After_small.jpg

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Daikatana was a steaming pile of poop.

He hasnt done anything good since he was at iD. COuld it be because he really wasnt that great without John Carmack? wink.gif

His gf is a hotty tho..

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In my eyes he is the king of delay. When Daikatana finally came out, it was already out of date...

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That is true, but it wasn't completely his fault.

I read the entire story about what happened, and J. Romero suffered a lot. If he would get another chance, i'm sure he could be a GameLord again.

I create a level this evening with thousands of Pans conquering Everon. You're job..... Kill them

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FallenPaladin @ May 31 2002,08:59)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">In my eyes he is the king of delay. When Daikatana finally came out, it was already out of date...<span id='postcolor'>

Oh yeah, BTW....

The King of Delay is 3DRealms. They announced DukeNukem4Ever back in 1997, and was due to be released in 1998 (using the QuakeII engine). It's now 2002, and no word from them still.

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Yeah Dukie Nukie looked great. I saw the trailer from the E32001, and the game kicked ass. But i think it will be out of date when it will be released. Just look at Doom III. No game can compete with that wink.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I create a level this evening with thousands of Pans conquering Everon. You're job..... Kill them

<span id='postcolor'>


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I'm not sure how to put the PAN face on the AI soldier. (oh no, i use civilians smile.gif)

I think i should put his


In the flashpoint directory, and that in the description bar from

the AI's, i should type: setFace "pan.jpg"

And it should work then wink.gif i try, you play

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I'm not voting, i'll just say this:

Traditional 3D shooters will really never change. All you can do is improve the graphics, gore and weapon selection. The only thing you can do with them anymore is make a better version of the same thing. A few have tried to incorporate more realism, but its been practically useless since it hardly changes anything anyway. Like with Delta Force.

The DF series was good in its own right, and was pretty realistic compared to a lot of other games, but it still played like a traditional shooter. You could still sprint while shooting a machine gun or rocket launcher accurately, and still take no dammage from falling off a building. So, really, the unrealistic aspects of it render the realistic aspects of it totally un enjoyable, in effect, killing the game for a lot of people, including myself.

And then, the quake series. What has changed from quake to quake 3 arena\team arena\gold etc.? .........Well.......the graphics, the guns, the enemies, and the environments. Not too much else. Theres a few more bells and whistles, but nothing terribly note worthy. They really havent done anything new except the expected basic evolution from making everything we already had anyway a little bit better.

I just think 3D shooters will always stay the same. Running as fast as cars drive, jumping off buildings and not taking dammage, shooting all sorts of heavy weapons accurately while doing this, taking a totally humanly impossible amount of dammage before dying, basically making the player a god amoung men. 3D shooters are for people who want nothing to do with realism. Games like all of Tom Clancy's stuff and OFP will always be held in high regard by me. they actually took it to the next level by making the player conform to actual realistic hanicaps.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (USSoldier11B @ May 31 2002,09:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I create a level this evening with thousands of Pans conquering Everon. You're job..... Kill them

<span id='postcolor'>

ME WANTS!!!!<span id='postcolor'>

ME, TOO!!!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Gorgi Knootewoot @ May 31 2002,09:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The King of Delay is 3DRealms. They announced DukeNukem4Ever back in 1997, and was due to be released in 1998 (using the QuakeII engine). It's now 2002, and no word from them still.<span id='postcolor'>

DukeNukem4Ever?? ...

I once heard a Sasquatch mentioning that game...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Aculaud @ May 31 2002,09:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'm not voting, i'll just say this:

Traditional 3D shooters will really never change. All you can do is improve the graphics, gore and weapon selection. The only thing you can do with them anymore is make a better version of the same thing. A few have tried to incorporate more realism, but its been practically useless since it hardly changes anything anyway. Like with Delta Force.

The DF series was good in its own right, and was pretty realistic compared to a lot of other games, but it still played like a traditional shooter. You could still sprint while shooting a machine gun or rocket launcher accurately, and still take no dammage from falling off a building. So, really, the unrealistic aspects of it render the realistic aspects of it totally un enjoyable, in effect, killing the game for a lot of people, including myself.

And then, the quake series. What has changed from quake to quake 3 arena\team arena\gold etc.? .........Well.......the graphics, the guns, the enemies, and the environments. Not too much else. Theres a few more bells and whistles, but nothing terribly note worthy. They really havent done anything new except the expected basic evolution from making everything we already had anyway a little bit better.

I just think 3D shooters will always stay the same. Running as fast as cars drive, jumping off buildings and not taking dammage, shooting all sorts of heavy weapons accurately while doing this, taking a totally humanly impossible amount of dammage before dying, basically making the player a god amoung men. 3D shooters are for people who want nothing to do with realism. Games like all of Tom Clancy's stuff and OFP will always be held in high regard by me. they actually took it to the next level by making the player conform to actual realistic hanicaps.<span id='postcolor'>

Well, at some points you are right. But it's fun to play biggrin.gif

But for example Duke Nukem:

Yes, i could run like a train

No, i couldn't take much damage

No, almost drained of health when falling of high structures

Same for Soldier of Fortune on hard. I play all shooters on hard.

I did the SOFII demo, and one grenade and i was history.

Also no accuracy when running with weapons. (also in RTCW). The newer generation shooters (RTCW, Jedi Outcast, Soldier of Fortune II and much more) give you more damage when hit, a lot of damage when falling, and no accuracy wen running. Also the speed has decreased when running in the games mentioned. Only the older games have this.

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I would very much like John to go back to id software and work for Doom 3... He was there making the original Doom and that game rocked... From what I read from some interview he left id he left because he wanted to make games, not 3D engines to be sold, which is pretty much what Quake games have been...

I have talked with John in IRC btw and he seems like a nice fella tounge.gif

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Doom 3 is gonna be impressive, with or without John Romero, but it would be good to have all the original doom team working on doom 3...

I agree with Gorgi. Soldier of Fortune 2 is a lot more realistic than most other fps. The jungle mission in the demo is great, and the ambientation is impressive. The bad thing is that most people are too busy dismembering corpses to notice it. Gore is disabled by default in the demo and there is no violence menu, but you can open the menu adding a command in the shortcut and then writing a console command ingame. You should all try the demo, it's impressive.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Gorgi Knootewoot @ May 31 2002,00:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Only the older games have this.<span id='postcolor'>

I beg to differ. Quake 3 allows you to jump off pretty damn tall structures and not take much dammage at all. On top of that, you can get hit by up to two rockets without dying, AND you can fire full auto\heavy weapons accurately.

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