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mikie boy

gloabalvariables updating and JIP

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Having problems with JIP and multiplayer in relation to globalvariables.

In short I have the globalvariable of terrorcontrol that I wish to add to and subtract from in order for certain things to happen. I want to have the same value for everyone in game and JIP.

This is set in init.sqf to

terrorcontrol = o;

So on joining mp game – this is set to 0.

I then carry out an action which spawns (using addPublicVariableEventHandler) a marker and creates 8 civs.

During the spawning of the 8 civs I add 1 to the terrorcontrol globalvariable.

this is done by

terrorcontrol = terrorcontrol + 1;

Thus at this point

terrorcontrol = 8;

When I leave the game and come back in obviously the init.sqf is executed and terrorcontrol is set back to 0. And when I call the action to spawn the 8 civs it should say they are already spawned, but instead it spawns 8 more – most likely due to init setting it to 0.

Ive looked at http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/publicVariable but not sure how this works with variables as above.

If changed init to…

If (isserver) then 
terrorcontrol = 0;

But this will not activate the script – as the script cant find a value for terrorcontrol.

And ive tried adding 1 to terrorcontrol within the script via the if isserver line again doesn’t work

My question therefore is how do I get terrorcontrol to stay the same across the board for everyone.

Ive tried using addPublicVariableEventHandler for adding 1 to the globalvariable, but to behonest I couldn’t work it out.

I looked at http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=119114&highlight=globalvariable and the last comment is useful but again not sure how to go about that.

That’s it im stuck – any help would be appreciated – any further explanation of my waffling i will be happy to update.

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It is hard to diagnose without seeing more of your code. In addition to the pv eventhandler, are you also using thr publicVariable command to broadcast it to all machines?

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How would i broadcast

terrorcontrol = terrorcontrol + 1;


terrorcontrol = terrorcontrol - 1;

when i tried it - it was calling an array. - shown below - which seems right for an array - not sure how i would call it for the variable addition and subtraction.

this is the initial script i ran to create the 8 civs and this is what i added.

loop creates 8 civs and each time adding 1 to terrorcontrol as shown below.

_addterrorcontrol = "terrorcontrol";
	if (isServer) then 
			terrorcontrol = terrorcontrol + 1; 
			terrorcontrol = [_addterrorcontrol, 1];publicVariable "terrorcontrol"; 


if (isServer) then 
"terrorcontrol" addPublicVariableEventHandler 
	((_this select 1) select 0) + ((_this select 1) select 1);

if this doesnt help i can post the scripts


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if (isNil "terrorcontrol") then
terrorcontrol = 0;

Exactly as suggested above and when you create the civs

terrorcontrol = terrorcontrol + 1;
publicVariable "terrorcontrol";

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right - sort of got my head round it,

thanks chaps for the help - ill test it in the morning

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yeah worked well - cheers for that chaps - appears the below code works well

terrorcontrol = terrorcontrol + 1; 
publicVariable "terrorcontrol";  

handy tool to understand in MP - found several other things that require its assistance.

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yeah worked well - cheers for that chaps

no worries fella - and make sure you check out that link sickboy posted its a great starting place for working out multiplayer locality.

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