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kbTell problem on MP

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hi all! I have a little problem with the kbTell command in MP. In SP all works fine but not the same on the server.

this is my chat.bikb

class Sentences 
class Arty_Splash 
	text = "Splash! Over!";
	speech[] = {};
	class Arguments {};
class Arguments{};
class Special{};
startWithVocal[] = {hour};
startWithConsonant[] = {europe, university}; 

This is my server side script:

_group = creategroup west;
HQ_BLU = _group createUnit ["Logic",[0,0,333],[],0,"NONE"];
_group setGroupId ["CrossRoad"];
HQ_BLU kbAddTopic["HQ_BLU","Chat.bikb"];

My client side script:

player kbAddTopic["HQ_BLU","Chat.bikb"];

And the kbTell in a client side script:

HQ_BLU kbTell [player,"HQ_BLU","Arty_Splash",["","","",[]],true];

Any idea?

PS: Is possible use this command without the "ItemRadio"?I tried in SP but the text didn't show up.

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You have to execute kbTell where the unit is local. In case of a logic it is the server.


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Thank you Xeno for your reply. Can you help me a little bit more? :)

How can i do that? Because the script is client side and i would like that all the players can read the text...

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You could try looking in Domination/Domino. But it isn't trivial to setup, and has quite a bit of other settings that needs to be in.

How I have set it up based on Domination:

//Client side artillery script, executed when player opens the dialog.
//Player: Initiating call.
player kbTell [
//Server: Reply.
["d_artyfdcchat",[_ari_num,"ArtilleryGoAhead"]] call XNetCallEvent;

In the above, player is local and can kbTell normally. For the reply, the server is not local (script runs on client), and have to be instructed to start a script (i.e. via PVEHs) so that kbTell works properly.

//Server side artillery script, executed when rounds are created.
//Server reads out the fire mission, "shot message" basically.
_yourlogicunit kbTell [
//Client replies to that message.
["d_artyobschat",[_num_arti,"ArtilleryOTWReply"]] call XNetCallEvent;

But in the above, the opposite is true. That snippet is run on the server, so _yourlogicunit can kbTell as normal. That is then followed by a player reply, in which the clients are instructed (via PVEH'ish approach) to use the kbTell.

I really with there was a simpler way.

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Mmm...Well, but what's XNetCallEvent? And i think that d_hq_logic_en2 is another game logic created by the server, isn't it?

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I tried to use PVEH but it doesn't work...


if (isServer) then {
_group_1 = creategroup west;
HQ_BLU_1 = _group_1 createUnit ["Logic",[0,0,333],[],0,"NONE"];
_group_1 setGroupId ["CrossRoad"];
HQ_BLU_1 kbAddTopic["HQ_BLU","Chat.bikb"];
_group_2 = creategroup west;
HQ_BLU_2 = _group_2 createUnit ["Logic",[0,0,333],[],0,"NONE"];
HQ_BLU_2 kbAddTopic["HQ_BLU","Chat.bikb"];
"HQ_Chat" addPublicVariableEventHandler 
HQ_BLU_1 kbTell (_this select 1);

In the client side script:

HQ_Chat = [HQ_BLU_2,"HQ_BLU","Arty_Acquired",["","","",[]],true];publicVariable "HQ_Chat";

Any help?

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