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A.C.M. (Advanced Chat Mod)

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what do you mean with twice?

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maybe this in the init.sqf:

CLIENT = false;JIP = false;if (isNull player) then{	JIP = true	[] spawn	{		waitUntil { !(isNull player) };		CLIENT = true	};}else{	CLIENT = true;};};

and each clientside script take a

waitUntil { Client }; //for all clients

waitUntil { Client && JIP}; // for only jip

waitUntil { Client && !JIP}; // for all not jip

on the front

i hope i didnt messup the code.. :-)


removed additional codeparts that is not needed for the skript

Edited by SaltatorMortis

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what do you mean with twice?

We cant use OnPlayerConnected because this function cant run again in code if hi been start in mission init



OnPlayerConnected hint bla bla bla <<<--- it works!

but if again try launch OnPlayerConnected <<<--- NOT WORKS!!!

We must update players list if new client connected to serv and reapply variables to new client, current new connected player not have any blocks and never recive his...

Who know how correctly init new player on server and add Variable to him?!:confused:

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a) vote http://dev-heaven.net/issues/14956

b) if you have full control over oPC/oPDC, aka no external addons to set it, you only have to design it that way to include all handling in the one definition

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You can also simulate opc;

if (isServer) then {
  "my_opc" addPublicVariableEventHandler { _data = _this select 1; /* do stuff */ };
  _logic = "HeliHEmpty" createVehicle [0,0,0];
  _logic setVehicleInit "my_opc = [name player,getPlayerUID player,player]; publicVariable 'my_opc'";

We use this in CBA

Edited by Sickboy

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Thanks SickBoy!

Who wish make little assist we in this project?

- find solution, how set blocks to new (connected) player

- return blocks to respawned player

- make ControlMarkerPlacingOnMap

To Nou and Janus: Guys, please assist with finish current issues(maby know and ask solutions how do) and integrate acm in acre ;)

Edited by J-Guid

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I think, keep current version with fixes as standalone, works fine, clans and servers can put this addon in servers pack mod?!

- Or here is source code of current new(not realised) version (need fix JIP's), who can fix this issue, he will receive a 'Gold Medal' from me :D! We no have more manpower :(

Link to source: http://www.multiupload.com/I4AD1YFC5F

Belive in you ;)!

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Idea - in config make ACRE required addon, and this mod dont have sence works without ACRE

Edited by J-Guid

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your addon is good for other players that want to play tactical without acre

maybe dont try so hard to bound your addon to one thing..

the good think about arma is the thing you can combine every addon with nearly everything

in acm_edit in line 9 is a error


instead of


Edited by SaltatorMortis

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Yes mate, maby :D, because we always work at deep night ;)

Have any progress :)?

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