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A.C.M. (Advanced Chat Mod)

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Sorry for my bad English, I sometimes stuttered

Greetings everyone, my nickname is Kol9yN

I present to you the ACM (Advantsed Chat Mod or Admin Channels Moderation)


-Multilanguage (default set)

-ONLY SERVER/ADMIN side must been installed

-Allow block/unblock players chat chennels

-Eazy to use

-Have simply Admin interface

-More functional

-Alternate chatline commands

-Not block the installation of markers on the map

Many servers and communities play with ACRE,

Sometimes when the players are far from each other,

Rather than something to communicate over the radio, they begin use the chat.

This is a very spoiled game atmosphere and strong sense of destroying radio chatter.

Seeing this, I wondered whether you can block chat for players that would use only an ACRE?

We made this mod special for ACRE mod and for that would give server admins the ability to control the chat channels

Switch off channels of the players who constantly spam in chat.

And lets begin, if you is Admin, in order to open the management window, type in the input line #ACM.

In the left window you can choose to manage global channels off the right side of the window,

You can choose to turn off the player and to him personally a specific channel,

If it is spamming there is something not right.

Likewise, there are internal commands to disable the chat during a briefing.

Access to admin panel:


Controls the overall channel:





If the Admin block all global channels, it will be able to write messages only to the common channel

-Thanks to ACRE communty (www.unitedoperations.net) and "ROSTOV ACE RED" servers for testing this

-Special thank to Slon, main programmer

-Additional thanks to the ArmA 2 Community for using this mod ;)

This is the first release, in future we plan to improve admin tools and client side chat settings

Need more suggestions from the community

Download links:


Posts on additonal sites:




-Maby not compatible with TrueUser mods (interface), not tested (how can check this, report please)

I begin improve addon, need more (community) your opinions and suggestions about useability and fuctional.

Wish hear more ideas!

Planed/In progress:

- Echo(show) messages about Player x kill player y :B

-Server/admin install (admin send commands, client reciving)

-Variable switch group leader can talk to group channel

-Support clans hierarchy (Admin, officer, etc.)

-More Stuff :rolleyes: :biggrin:

Please feedback if you have any troubles, issues, features! :)

Edited by J-Guid

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wow, this looks really helpful for server admins. Im assuming only the admin needs to be running the mod and not all of the players, right?

Nice work, downloading now :cool:

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Most been istalled on Server, Admin and Players.

On future planned make only server side and only to admin

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Great we will use this also at my Community! Also perfect for TvT ;-)

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ive found a gigant bug...

the bug makes this addon useless...

if you can use one chatt you can post in all other chats..

how to:

1. open a unlocked chat

2. press the arrowup/-down keys

result: you can write in every chat, even the blocked

and a feature request:

give the ability in the playersettings to force the chat on for a specific player..

this mean instead of Default/silence add a state Default/silence/on

e.g. u want to disable all chatts but want to give the Teamleader the ability to talk... then simple force them on instead (like jet) to mute every other player by hand

i hope you can follow my report..


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bug with channels fixed.

thanks for reporting!

Update after fiew days...

Edited by J-Guid

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a vid will come later...

i found this bug cause i dont use the Next/previous chat buttons to change my chat(cause i pressed them to often accidentally) i have to open the chat first, press a arrow key until the right chat appears and then i write the Message.

i dont know at this moment if the feature is by default disabled/bind to another key

i have to check if i am back on my pc...

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When will you release this mod but server side only ?

server/admin sides - planned, but it is necessary to BIS's added a several important functions in client and server side in game, but we will try to come up something, need some time...

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ok here is the vid.

sorry for the quality but you can see everything what is needed


again the Textversion how to repo:

1 press / to open a unlocked channel

2 write a message

3 press up or down

4 press enter

-- you can switch step 2/3 at will

to prove the used way is a feature:

Text chat

One method of communicating is sending and receiving text messages. To start typing a message, press '/' (forward slash). Now you will see the message box in which you can type you message and send it by hitting 'Enter'.

While typing a message you need to use 'Up' and 'Down' to change channels, instead of the normal ',' (comma) and '.' (full stop).


the RPT of the session


== C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2oa.exe

== "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2oa.exe" -host -window "-mod=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@ACM"


Exe timestamp: 2011/06/20 23:20:31

Current time: 2011/08/26 09:24:42

Version 1.59.79384

Item str_disp_server_control listed twice

ca\missions\MPScenarios\MP_Deathmatch.chernarus: string @str_mpdeathmatch_subname cannot be localized client-side - move to global stringtable

ca\missions\MPScenarios\MP_Deathmatch.chernarus: string @str_mpdeathmatch_subname cannot be localized client-side - move to global stringtable

Warning: looped for animation: ca\wheeled\data\anim\uaz_cargo01_v0.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: kia_uaz_cargo02

Warning: looped for animation: ca\wheeled\data\anim\uaz_cargo01_v0.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: uaz_cargo02

Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionbegin4) in ca\structures_e\housek\house_k_6_dam_ep1.p3d

Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionbegin5) in ca\structures_e\housek\house_k_6_dam_ep1.p3d

Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionend4) in ca\structures_e\housek\house_k_6_dam_ep1.p3d

Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionend5) in ca\structures_e\housek\house_k_6_dam_ep1.p3d

ca\structures_e\misc\misc_garbage\misc_garb_square_ep1.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape

ca\structures_e\misc\misc_garbage\misc_garb_square_ep1.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape

ca\structures_e\misc\misc_garbage\misc_garb_square_ep1.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape

ca\structures_e\misc\misc_garbage\misc_garb_square_ep1.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape

ca\structures_e\misc\misc_garbage\misc_garb_square_ep1.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape

ca\structures_e\misc\misc_garbage\misc_garb_square_ep1.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape

ca\structures_e\misc\misc_garbage\misc_garb_square_ep1.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape

ca\structures_e\misc\misc_garbage\misc_garb_square_ep1.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape

ca\structures_e\misc\misc_garbage\misc_garb_square_ep1.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape

ca\structures_e\misc\misc_garbage\misc_garb_square_ep1.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape

ca\structures_e\misc\misc_garbage\misc_garb_square_ep1.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape

ca\structures_e\misc\misc_garbage\misc_garb_square_ep1.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape

ca\structures_e\misc\misc_garbage\misc_garb_square_ep1.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape

ca\structures_e\misc\misc_garbage\misc_garb_square_ep1.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape

ca\structures_e\misc\misc_garbage\misc_garb_square_ep1.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape

ca\structures_e\misc\misc_garbage\misc_garb_square_ep1.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape

safety - unknown animation source revolve

Bad radio channel

safety - unknown animation source revolve

Action::Process - No target

safety - unknown animation source revolve

Bad radio channel

safety - unknown animation source revolve

safety - unknown animation source revolve

Edited by SaltatorMortis
add RPT

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SaltatorMortis, thanks for video, we fix it yesterday, now all ok!

If have trouble with localization tell me about that...

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i have a tiny question

is it possible to block the magic Mapdrawing(i mean the Magical tactical symbols)

i mean that its cool to disable the symbols for some players/channels/for all

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Control to place tactical markers on map ? Oo What you mean?

Edited by J-Guid

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jeah thats my problem^^ finding the right words...

i hope thats better to understand:

what i meant is control the placing from new tactical markers from players

like you disabling the channels (eg block the global channel from drawing or ban player XY from drawing tactical markers on the map)

but you hit right with your tiny words...

i want to Control to placement tactical markers on map

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Planed in future, now, we write a serverside core (It was originally intended, but still that was removed, when we solve the problem with kernel we will increase functionality):confused: :pet5: :angryfire: :idea: :cry2:

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Could you retitle this thread as it should be called Advanced ANTI-Chat Module

Advanced Chat Module sounds like you are giving us something more, not taking something away :)

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Its not a Anti chat only, this mod in future enhance the ability of a lot of admin a few times.

Kremator :), it's a beta first ver, still ahead for players ;)

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Woohoo! :yay::yay::bounce3::bounce3::bounce3:

Server core is ready :) all works fine!!!

---------- Post added at 13:08 ---------- Previous post was at 13:07 ----------

Update incoming, fiew days...

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WIP with JIP in progress...

If somebody know how lunch twice OnPlayerConnected tell my please! (need init to JIP's)

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