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Open Request to all addon devs

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Please sign your addons with V2 signatures.

There should be no excuse for new addons coming out with v1 signatures when the tools are available, easy to use and free (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=118193).

So please, sign your addons with v2 signatures so we can keep our servers more secure!

thank you.

Edited by GossamerSolid

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Please sign your addons with V2 signatures.

There should be no excuse for new addons coming out with v1 signatures when the tools are available, easy to use and free.

So please, sign your addons with v2 signatures so we can keep our servers more secure!

thank you.

Because I are a lazy arse, do you have handy a link that describes & supplies the resources?

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a link would be appreciated to the necessary resources. i downloaded an update for it recently but cant see a difference in the keys it created.

This topic has all the information we need:


Also found this interesting:

bi2.bisign is _one_ v2 key from BI. They could make more.

And the community can make their own v2 keys.

You recognize it not by the name but by the size.

A v2 sign files has about 556 bytes, while a v1 has around 287 bytes.

This is what been confusing why my signatures weren't saying v2, i guess i don't need to worry any more.

Edited by R0adki11

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All that is needed is right here -> http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=118193

a good standard would be to put 2 or v2 somewhere in the name itself so people that download it can quickly tell. An example I've seen is TGW2.0.bisign

i will consider adding v2 to the neame, just means resigning all of my addons :eek:

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i will consider adding v2 to the neame, just means resigning all of my addons :eek:

Well if they are already v2 keys, you can just mention it in your post. Just keep the "standard" in mind for the future :)

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If you downloaded the latest BI Tool Suite from here and installed it you´re most likely setup and ready to go. Only change is in the dssignfile.exe - and the only difference between v1 & v2 signatures are their filesizes (see PvPscene´s quote in R0adki11 post).

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