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Undestroyable unit

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What do I have to do to make an unit (helicopter) undestroyable? Example: The chopper is flying from waypoint "a" to waypoint "b", and in that poin then it take the impact of an aa missile fired from an enemy unit on the ground. I want the chopper to keep'on flying to the next waypoint without any dammage.

Thank's any help :j:

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this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{}]

That won't work. It's an Arma 2 event handler. The following should work in OFP:

this addEventHandler ["Hit",{(_this select 0) setDamage 0}]

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Thanks you both anyway, Im gonna try it.

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What do I have to do to make an unit (helicopter) undestroyable? Example: The chopper is flying from waypoint "a" to waypoint "b", and in that poin then it take the impact of an aa missile fired from an enemy unit on the ground. I want the chopper to keep'on flying to the next waypoint without any dammage.

Thank's any help :j:

here's a script I allready posted (search engine is your firend)

This script will make the unit nearly invulnerable SP/MP compatible..

Ho and if you need that the chopper invulnerable I suggest you to execute this script also for the pilot and the gunner.

;Invulnerable Script by Nikiller v0.9b
;Make a unit invulnerable
;NOTE: it's 95% reliable
;contact: nikillerofp@hotmail.fr
;[unitName] exec "hard_to_kill.sqs"

_u = _this select 0

if (local _u) then {} else {goto "ende"}

_u addeventhandler [{dammaged},{(_this select 0) setdamage (damage (_this select 0)-(_this select 2))}]
_u addeventhandler [{hit},{(_this select 0) setdamage (damage (_this select 0)-(_this select 2))}]




Damn I'm very drunk I need to piss (again) :803:.


Edited by Nikiller

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Damn I'm very drunk I need to piss (again) :803:.

:D come on niki, miss u from server.

dont drink but play!!

this script looks good, i need it in my "Melting helmets" mission

damn still not working the nukescript well :confused:

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:D come on niki, miss u from server.

dont drink but play!!

this script looks good, i need it in my "Melting helmets" mission

damn still not working the nukescript well :confused:

Hey Inc, you miss me too guys but I didn't have lot of time to play lately. I'll try to play on the server soon as possible :)

Looking forward for your next mission. You know my mail adress if you need some help ;)

For the nuke script here's a demo.




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I've tried the two options and both are working properly :yay:. I hope everybody will enloy my next mission "The Capture". Thanks a lot. :bounce3:

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