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miles teg

Fire Geometry / indestructable APC problems

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I've spent a long time searching the forums and so far I can't find anyone specifically talking about this problem and I also searched the BI Wiki...so here are the problems.

In my mod (The Lost Brothers Mod), we have an Achzarit heavy APC model that worked fine in ArmA1 with no problems. However in ArmA2, for some reasons the tank is immune to all dammage no matter how low I set the armor values at.

Here is an example of the config:

#define TEast 0
#define TWest 1
#define TGuerrila 2
#define TCivilian 3
#define TSideUnknown 4
#define TEnemy 5
#define TFriendly 6
#define TLogic 7

#define true 1
#define false 0

// type scope
#define private 0
#define protected 1
#define public 2

class CfgPatches
class achzrit
     		units[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 1.0;

#include <CfgSkeletons.h>

class CfgFactionClasses {
class IDF {
	displayName = "Israeli Defence Force";
	priority = 5;
	side = "TWest";

class CfgVehicleClasses
class idf_armor_corp
	displayName = "IDF Armor Corp";

class CfgVehicles {

class Land;	// External class reference

class LandVehicle : Land {
	class NewTurret;	// External class reference
	class ViewOptics;	// External class reference

class Tank : LandVehicle 

	weapons[] = {};
	magazines[] = {};

	class Turrets {
	class MainTurret : NewTurret {
		class Turrets {
		class CommanderOptics : NewTurret {};
	class ViewOptics : ViewOptics {};
class m1a1 : tank{};
class achzrit : m1a1
	displayName = "achzrit";

	model = "\achzrit\achzrit.p3d";
	selectionLeftOffset = "pasanimL";
	selectionRightOffset = "pasanimP";
	faction = "IDF";
	vehicleClass = "idf_armor_corp";
	side = 1;
	accuracy = 0.8;		
	picture = "\ca\tracked\Data\ico\M1_abrams_CA.paa";
	Icon = "\Ca\tracked\Data\map_ico\icomap_m1a1_CA.paa";
	mapSize = 7;
	armor = 500;
	maxSpeed = 50;
	hiddenSelections[] = {""};
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {""};
	transportSoldier = 7;
	hasCommander = true;
	crew = "IDF_Tanker";
	canFloat = 0;
	driverInAction = "BMP2_Driver";
	soundGetIn[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\metal_door2", 0.01, 1};
	soundGetOut[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\metal_door2", 0.00316228, 1};
	soundEnviron[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\M1A2_track_v2", 5.01187, 1};
	soundEngine[] = {"\achzrit\Sound\mk3engine.wav",10,1};
	memoryPointTrack1L = "Stopa ll";

	memoryPointTrack1R = "Stopa lr";
	memoryPointTrack2L = "Stopa rl";
	memoryPointTrack2R = "Stopa rr";
	cargoIsCoDriver[] = {0};
	cargoAction[] ={"Stryker_Cargo01","Stryker_Cargo01","Stryker_Cargo01","Stryker_Cargo01","Stryker_Cargo01","Stryker_Cargo01","Stryker_Cargo01","BMP2_Commander"};
	driverForceOptics = 0;
 class AnimationSources
	class Ramp // Should be the same as your selection name.
 		 source = "user"; //The controller is defined as a user animation.
  		 animPeriod = 4;  //The animation period used for this controller.
  		 initPhase=0;     //Initial phase when object is created. 0 = CLOSED
	class Ramp1 // Should be the same as your selection name.
 		 source = "user"; //The controller is defined as a user animation.
  		 animPeriod = 4;  //The animation period used for this controller.
  		 initPhase=0;     //Initial phase when object is created. 0 = CLOSED

	class Turrets : Turrets {
		class MainTurret : MainTurret {
			gunnerAction = "Abrams_Gunner";
			gunnerInAction = "Abrams_Gunner";
			animationSourceHatch = "hatchGunner";
			weapons[] = {"M240_veh","SmokeLauncher"};
			body = "otocvez";
			gun = "otochlaven";
			hasGunner = 1;
			soundServo[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\gun_elevate", 0.00316228, 1.0};
			magazines[] = {"1200Rnd_762x51_M240", "1200Rnd_762x51_M240","SmokeLauncherMag","SmokeLauncherMag"};
			forceHideGunner = 0;
			GunnerForceOptics = 0;
			gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\Tracked\optika_tank_gunner";
			minElev = -33;
			maxElev = 33;
			initElev = 0;

			class ViewOptics {
				initAngleX = 0;
				minAngleX = -30;
				maxAngleX = 30;
				initAngleY = 0;
				minAngleY = -100;
				maxAngleY = 100;
				initFov = 0.166;
				minFov = 0.025;
				maxFov = 0.333;

			class Turrets : Turrets {
				class CommanderOptics : CommanderOptics {
					gunBeg = "gun_muzzle";
					gunEnd = "gun_chamber";
					body = "otocvelitele";
					gun = "otochlavenvelitele";
					GunnerForceOptics = 1;
					minElev = -30;
					maxElev = 30;
					initElev = 0;
					minTurn = -200;
					maxTurn = 200;
					initTurn = 0;
					outGunnerMayFire = 1;
					inGunnerMayFire = 1;
					gunnerAction = "T72_CommanderOUT";
					gunnerInAction = "T72_CommanderOUT";
					gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\optika_empty";

	class EventHandlers
		GetIn = "_this exec ""\achzrit\rampin.sqs""";
		GetOut = "_this exec ""\achzrit\rampin.sqs""";
	}; // class EventHandlers
	class UserActions
		class Openramp
			displayName="lower ramp";
			onlyForPlayer= false;
			condition="this animationPhase ""ramp1"" < 0.5 AND (PLAYER == driver this)";
			statement="this animate [""ramp"", 1];this animate [""ramp1"", 1]";
		class CloseDoors
			displayName="raise ramp";
			onlyForPlayer= false;
			condition="this animationPhase ""ramp1"" >= 0.5 AND (PLAYER == driver this)";
			statement="this animate [""ramp"", 0];this animate [""ramp1"", 0]";


Below is a example of the model.cfg:

class CfgSkeletons 
  class Tank; //Define base class.
  class achzritBones : Tank
skeletonInherit = ""; //Inherit all bones from class Car.
	"levy predni","",
	"levy dalsi","",
	"levy prostredni","",
	"levy zadni","",
	"pravy predni","",
	"pravy dalsi","",
	"pravy prostredni","",
	"pravy zadni","",
	"otochlavenvelitele", "otocvelitele",

class CfgModels
  class Tank; //Declare base class.
  class achzrit: TANK
sectionsInherit = "";                     
sections[] ={"pas_P","koll1","koll2","kolp1","kolp2","koloL1","koloL2","koloL3","koloL4","koloL5","koloL6","kolP1","koloP1","koloP2","koloP3","koloP4","koloP5","koloP6","pravy zadni","pasanimL","pasanimP","levy zadni","L svetlo","HatchGunner", "otocvelitele" ,"otochlavenvelitele", "HatchDriver", "P svetlo"};
skeletonName = "achzritBones"; 
class Animations 
	class OtocVez
     			type = "rotationY";
     			source = "mainTurret";
			selection = "OtocVez";
		axis = "OsaVeze";
		memory = true; 
		sourceAddress = "loop";
		minValue = rad -360;
             	    	maxValue = rad +360;
                   	angle0 = rad -360; 
     			angle1 = "rad 360"; 
	class OtocHlaven
     			type = "rotationX";
     			source = "mainGun";
			selection = "OtocHlaven";
		axis = "OsaHlavne";
		memory = true; 
		sourceAddress = "clamp";
		minValue = "rad -20.5";
             	    	maxValue = "rad 35";
                   	angle0 = "rad -20.5"; 
     			angle1 = "rad 35"; 
class otocvelitele
type = "rotationY";
source = "obsTurret";
selection = "otocvelitele";
axis = "osavelitele";
memory = true; 
sourceAddress = "loop";
minValue = rad -200;
maxValue = rad +230;
angle0 = rad -230; 
     angle1 = "rad 200"; 

class otochlavenvelitele
type = "rotationX";
source = "obsGun";
selection = "otochlavenvelitele";
axis = "osahlavnevelitele";
memory = true; 
sourceAddress = "clamp";
minValue = "rad -30";
maxValue = "rad 30";
angle0 = "rad -30"; 
angle1 = "rad 30"; 
  		class achkoloL1
     			type = "rotationX";
     			source = "wheelL";
			selection = "kolol1";
		axis = "";
		memory = true; 
		sourceAddress = "loop";
		minValue = 0;
             	    	maxValue = 1;
                   	angle0 = 0; 
     			angle1 = "rad -360"; 
	class achkoloL2 :achkoloL1
		selection = "kolol2";
	class achkoloL3 :achkoloL1
		selection = "kolol3";
	class achkoloL4 :achkoloL1
		selection = "kolol4";
	class achkoloL5 :achkoloL1
		selection = "kolol5";
	class achkoloL6 :achkoloL1
		selection = "kolol6";
	class achkoll1 :achkoloL1
		selection = "koll1";
	class achkoll2 :achkoloL1
		selection = "koll2";

  		class achkolop1
     			type = "rotationX";
     			source = "wheelr";
			selection = "kolop1";
		axis = "";
		memory = true; 
		sourceAddress = "loop";
		minValue = 0;
             	    	maxValue = 1;
                   	angle0 = 0; 
     			angle1 = "rad -360"; 
	class achkolop2 :achkolop1
		selection = "kolop2";
	class achkolop3 :achkolop1
		selection = "kolop3";
	class achkolop4 :achkolop1
		selection = "kolop4";
	class achkolop5 :achkolop1
		selection = "kolop5";
	class achkolop6 :achkolop1
		selection = "kolop6";
	class achkolop7 :achkolop1
		selection = "kolop7";
	class achkolop8 :achkolop1
		selection = "kolop8";
	class achkolop9 :achkolop1
		selection = "kolop9";
	class achkolp1 :achkolop1
		selection = "kolp1";
	class achkolp2 :achkolop1
		selection = "kolp2";

  		class mkDrivingWheel
     			type = "rotationZ";
     			source = "drivingWheel";
			selection = "volant";
		axis = "osavolantkon";
		memory = true; 
		sourceAddress = "mirror";
		minValue = -1;
             	    	maxValue = 1;
                   	angle0 = "rad -35"; 
     			angle1 = "rad 35"; 
class HatchGunner
type = "rotation";
     source = "HatchGunner";
minValue = 0;
                 maxValue = 1;
                   angle0 = 0; 
     angle1= rad -90;

class HatchDriver
type = "rotation";
     source = "HatchDriver";
minValue = 0;
                 maxValue = 1;
                   angle0 = 0; 
     		angle1= rad -90;
		 class RAMP
		type ="rotation";
		source ="user";
		animPeriod =4;
		selection ="RAMP";
		axis ="osa_ramp";
		angle0 =0;
		 class RAMP1
		type ="rotation";
		source ="user";
		animPeriod =4;
		selection ="RAMP1";
		axis ="osa_ramp1";
		angle0 =0;

I looked at the fire geometry, checked topology and everything is fine (although proxies light up which I guess is normal). I then checked Convexity and two points light up, but I'm not sure if those would cause this issue as otherwise it is an extremely simple box-like LOD. If anything if there was a problem with the convexity I would assume that I would have the 2nd related problem that I'm dealing with on a CH-53 model in which bullets go through parts of the model where they shouldn't (and kill the troops inside). When I selected component convext hull to fix the convexity issues, I then got the opposite problem which is that despite the fact that it left the rear of the chopper and door areas open, bullets now do not hit the exposed door gunners or the infantry in the back as it did before. In other words it removed all gaps/holes in the model through which bullets could go through...which is not what I wanted. Very frustrating!!!

I should add that these models were not made by me, but by SFC. ITZHAK (who is very hard to get ahold of) who made them for our mod. I only edit models/textures and so I'm not an addon "maker". As such I never did grasp many of the subtle aspects of addon design. ArmA2 (and demand for higher quality and more features) has also made the process infinitely more complex compared to the easy days of OFP addon making. Adding to the problems are how ports from ArmA1 often have a ton of problems when trying to get them to work in ArmA2.

Another question however: Are there any solid tutorials on the ins and outs of geometry/fire-geometry/hit-point geometry LOD's? I've read MondKalps addon making tutorial but it didn't answer my issues and the BI Wiki info was very basic. I'm wondering if there is some kind of relationship between the geometry, hit-point, and fire-geometry LOD's? Do the geometry and fire-geometry LOD's have to be identical? If anyone can help me on these issues I will be very appreciative and if they want I can post pictures of the LOD's in question. Thank you in advance.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

Team Leader of the Lost Brothers Mod (The oldest surviving mod from the OFP days)

Edited by Miles Teg

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Hi Miles

I think pictures of your LODs would be good.

I, for one, like pictures ...

and it might help to narrow down your problem

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AFAIK there can be no concavities. If you have any concave components, you can just split the component into two (or more) separate convex components.

The firegeoLOD and the geoLOD need not be anything alike.

Hit points do damage to systems based on the hit's proximity to the corresponding hitpoint. That's all the information I have on that. So, I speculate the answer to your question is that the firegeoLOD is responsible for adjucating whether projectiles land or miss, and the hitpointsLOD finds whether or not those projectiles that do hit are close enough to do damage to the system it represents.

These LODs only have to be some approximation of what you want the collision / damage behaviour to be. They need not resemble the resLODs at all, although a certain resemblence is inevitable. Those special resLODs do not need to be structured like a real object, either.

Edited by Max Power

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