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Arma 2 CO and Mods

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Hey all, Im in a spot of trouble. I can't seem to get mods working with my Combined Arms game. I installed the disc version of A2 and the Steam version of OA into the same folder, and am running the game as combined arms with the batch file in the OA folder in Steam. This however does not seem to allow me to use the -mod paramater on my game shortcut (to batch file). To get mods working i have to place them in Expansion/Addons which obviously means some mods will get me booted from servers.

How would I go about using mods with a bish bosh Combined Arms?

If you can help me, cheers!

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Next time please post in trouble shooting section. This part of the forums is for completed addons. Post like these screw up the forums with unnecessary clutter.

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Next time please post in trouble shooting section. This part of the forums is for completed addons. Post like these screw up the forums with unnecessary clutter.

I disagree!


This forum is for reporting hardware/driver issues with ArmA 2 & the standalone expansion Operation Arrowhead as well as for reporting serious bugs.

Troubleshooting issues related to addons/mods should be addressed in the thread of the addon/mod in question, not in here.

So, the ArmA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE section this member posted this question in fits perfectly fine!

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LOL. Pwned by the n00b moderator. :D

Meantime, back at the topic... a huge plus one for Spirited Machine's launcher. This should really be the VERY next thing people install after the game itself.

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Cheers fellows, looks like you've won. Good game, was afraid I had shot myself in the foot by purchasing the games off seperate distribution platforms.

Thanks again!

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LOL. Pwned by the n00b moderator. :D

Meantime, back at the topic... a huge plus one for Spirited Machine's launcher. This should really be the VERY next thing people install after the game itself.

Pwnd nothing. I was corrected. I based my answer off of what has happened in the past. If one day a rule fits and another day it does not. If I was wrong so be it. It is one time out of many of being right. As said before these forums have changed a lot since OFP days.

Edited by PROTOTYPE 001

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Actually I'm with Prototype on this one.

I don't see people in Troubleshooting only with hardware issues, but with problems during installation.

Addons&Mods: Complete should just be THAT - for the discussion of community RELEASED material.

Here endeth my 2 penny worth.

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