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Is it possible to add weapons in game?

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Sorry for the dumb question, but I'm below zero regarding editing and scripting.

Let's say I'm playing a user mission and I'm stuck in a situation where the only way to get out of it alive is firing a rocket launcher to take down a few APCs that are blocking your way.

But I have none of them, nor even from the briefing weapon selection. What can I do? If the mission designer has erroneously omitted to insert it, in a situation that would have absolutely require one, how can I manually insert one in the game?

Thank you v.m.!

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You can't...there are not "insert intem xxx" cheats once a mission is packed in a pbo. You have to decompile mission files and edit in editor.

But I would rather simply not play missions with that horrendous design flaws.

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You reload an earlier save and try not to get into that sticky situation. It may not be a design flaw, but a thinking challenge.

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paolo2015, easiest solution for you would be to unPBO the mission with for example eliteness. search for unPBO +eliteness and youll find it.

then simply place a ammo/weapon or launcher box where you need it, save the mission and voila.

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paolo2015, easiest solution for you would be to unPBO the mission with for example eliteness. search for unPBO +eliteness and youll find it.

then simply place a ammo/weapon or launcher box where you need it, save the mission and voila.

I will try and let you know. Tank you

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Actually, if you are running an addon that allows you to execute code in game (debug console?) it would be entirely possible for you to give yourself weapons. But that's cheating. :rolleyes:

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Done it. With pboview0.8. It all went very smoothly.

Let's say that it is a more noble way of cheating, or a less legitimate way of editing, depending from wich side you look at it.

At least by using this method instead of the debug console, you stick with what you get from the briefing and don't run around in every mission with infinite ammo or stuff like that. I will try to use it wisely.

Anyway thanks everybody!

Edited by paolo2015

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