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First Aid Mod

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Guys. There's been some problems getting the First Aid Mod to work. and it's useless.

The idea is that when a team member gets shot or hurt. The medic should help him with out the player requiring him to do so.

The First Aid Mod that comes with Arma 2 and OA. Was a waste of time. It will only help one team mate and that's it. I downloaded another First Aid Mod and well it just set the teams as allowdamage false.

I wanted to see if any one else mite have a better idea on what to do. The player should have to tell the medic to heal the wounded.

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So your working on a new addon to do this or is this a request for someone else to do?

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Well since I have no idea where to start making a new mod, No. and as for some one else. More then likely not. I think I asked that before.

My question is how do you guys make missions with the player losing all of the team.

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Ok then. This needs to go to request thread or mission edit & scripting thread.

Also a search would of given you a few addons/scripts that will do what you want. SLX adds the ability for ai to heal each other, ACE mod also, there is also an add that you drop in a mod folder and ai will heal each other (on my cell so I can't search for you), the addon version also comes in a script form so you can add it manualy to missions.


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Thank you, but no thank you. and I don't think you getting what I'm asking..


I just want to know if any one else has this problem and if so, what did they do to fix it.

2) The ACE mod and The ASG mod are required to have both these mods in order to use them, Well the problem is that these 2 mods slow down the game too much. Before it took less then a minute to load and now it takes 2 minutes for the game to load. Then when I load in a map. I have to wait another 2 minutes.

These mods need to be rethought.

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So a mod that adds all the stuff you want needs to be retought? If slows down your pc you need a new pc or you can add a small bit of code to your command line to speed up loading.

As for your "problem" it has never happened to me or any of the guys I game with. Then again we never alllow our ai to be cut to pieces by the enemy. There are also scripts to do what you want so you don't have any slow down. I sugested you do a search and find that one addon you can drop in your mod folder that will fo what the unthought mods do. Might add an extra 2 seconds to your load time if that is not too much for you.

I will get you the link when I get my desktop if you can't find it. Posting in trouble shooting if it is a game issue might get you alot more people with ideas to help you out.

Edited by PROTOTYPE 001

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Prototype, don't do it if it takes you longer than two minutes to search for it, and then another two minutes to post them.



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Thanks guys, It's just if it was that easy I would have put bells on my feet.

Sorry. I all ready tried that crap all ready. and every thing still takes too long to load. and it shouldn't. All I'm trying to do is get the medic mod to work or find one that does work.

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2) The ACE mod and The ASG mod are required to have both these mods in order to use them, Well the problem is that these 2 mods slow down the game too much. Before it took less then a minute to load and now it takes 2 minutes for the game to load. Then when I load in a map. I have to wait another 2 minutes.

So you have to wait 4 minutes and you call that "slowing down the game too much"? That's even less than what it takes me...

You know what I'm going back to OFP because it loads in 1 minute 30 seconds and ArmA 2 loads in 2 minutes and 10 seconds.

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  iceman11a said:
All I'm trying to do is get the medic mod to work or find one that does work.

Than, ask your question in the topic of that medic mod instead of starting a new topic.

Or, when you search for a specific addon use the sticky addon request thread.

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