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Moh soundtracks!

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Hello, i would love it if someone would make an addon soo i can play Medal of honor soundtracks on Ofp!, Moh one from the ps1, If you Don't get what i mean post a comment :)

OFP-Best game up to date!!!!!! :D


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Yeah but, i need someone to make a addon of it, soo theres a music list of them on my ofp :)

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Yeah but, i need someone to make a addon of it, soo theres a music list of them on my ofp :)

If only there was a specific thread for requesting addons.

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Get the MOH music files, convert them to OGG, then follow this.

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Just create a folder,name it "kieransMusic",or something like that.

Dump all the tracks into it.Next,put the example config I posted,

into the folder.Fill in the appropriate entries and then PBO the


The resulting PBO should be put into the addons directory

of your favourite mod folders.Or the root addons directory of

OFP or CWA.Mod folders would be preferable.

The music should now be available to triggers and scripts.

Example config.

The config only has 5 entries.I'll leave it up to you to

add anything else.

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"appropriate entries and then PBO the

folder.". what do you mean by that :)

Im sorry if this is stupid or something, ive never done anything like this before for ofp :'), i just downloaded addons lol

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Simply change the null ShortnameOfTracks to your actual track names.

You really should show some initiative. You can't expect everyone else to do all the work for you, even if you're a beginner. I think all the instructions given in this thread are pretty clear - even more than so.

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@Rellikki, i know, just im worried if i do i f**ksomething up, but i guess thats how you learn lol

thanks peeps!, ill try and do it :)

Just one thing tho, what do you mean by PBO the folder, how do you do it ?

Edited by kierandobbin54

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A PBO is just your project folder converted to a form the CWA/OFP engine can read.

Addons are contained inside them.Ideally you should never compress them.

There's a variety of tools.Everyone has their preferences.

I use PBOX,which can be found here.

There's also PBOtool.And makePBO.Eliteness will also pack PBOs.

Look.Choose the app you want to use.If you get into any strife,then

send me a PM.I'll try to get you sorted out.But do some reading first.


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