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Transparent texture in game, but not in Oxygen 2?

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Im having a slight problem with an update im having. A couple of users have noticed a transparent texture on the model that shouldnt be there. Ive gone into game to confirm the error. But when i load up a preview in Oxygen2 to sort it out there's is no transparent texture on the engine, but when in game there is?

I figured it might be in the rvmat?

So heres the text editor version of the rvmat:

class Stage1
class uvTransform
class Stage2
class uvTransform

So dose anyone have any idea's on why its doing this?

Thanks in advance.

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I´m not sure but the "stage2" part can be deleted. you have already selected an _nohq and in my own rvmat-stuff there is on stage for each part.

But i can´t see why it should be transparent.

My guess is that there is a turned polygon in the model.

You can try to select all points and turn them with "w" and have a look in bulldozer,that´s the only way i know, surely it´s not the best.

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You can try to select all points and turn them with "w" and have a look in bulldozer,that´s the only way i know, surely it´s not the best.

I tryed that, but it just turned it inside out and had no faces on the outside, so you could see right through it.

Perhaps a screenshot would help us determine the problem.

Yeah sure, here you go : Click here :)

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Hmm - from that pic it looks like you have a Alpha Channel in that texture , check the textures if you have that Alpha Channel and if yes then remove it and save it

one more thing - on your rvmat Stage 2 , there should be the SMDI specular texture and not the NOHQ

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Hmm - from that pic it looks like you have a Alpha Channel in that texture , check the textures if you have that Alpha Channel and if yes then remove it and save it

one more thing - on your rvmat Stage 2 , there should be the SMDI specular texture and not the NOHQ

Cheers mate, that solved the problem :)

Many thanks :)

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