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EvolutionSP from Arma converted to Arma2.

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Just emailed latest version V7 to armaholic for hosting.... Should be there tomorrow at a guess...

be warned: extremely difficult AI - i recommend saving often.... or lower AI skill in difficulty settings in Arma 2....

This would have to be the most challenging mission I have ever played.. The AI will surprise you with many varied tactics..

Latest Update:16 - July 2010 10:11pm ( local time )

Finally - Success...

Major bug squashed... What a damn relief, I finally fixed the no rank progression bug after resuming a saved game issue.....

It took me weeks to finally track down the cause too..


-- After resuming a saved game the rank progression was stopped, players score increased but not rank..

-- After resuming a saved game the auto repair at base stopped.

-- After resuming a saved game the random weather stopped..

All of these symptoms happened because a critical script called MainthreadC.sqf had an unsupported command from Arma 1 which crashed the script causing it not terminate without completing execution.. ( thereby stalling the above related scripts )

the cause of all the issues was the following 1 single line of code: ( thanks eggbeast for the suggestions )

savetimer=savetimer+4; ( This supposedly limits the number of save games ) and was only displaying an error with -showscripterrors on and after loading a saved game...

I discovered a major issue with my mission yesterday, After reloading a saved game rank progression is halted, and sometimes score progression stops also......

I have sought advice on the matter and it seems I need 2 sensors added to the mission,

1 tracks score and 1 tracks rank progression which will fix the loaded save game non progression bug...

I have placed the sensors in the mission but I lack the knowledge / skills to enter the variables needed.., Any help appreciated...













expCond="not isNull BIS_EVO_punit and isServer";

expActiv="[bIS_EVO_punit,BIS_EVO_prew] call BIS_EVO_Reward;BIS_EVO_punit = objNull";

class Effects











expCond="not (isNull BIS_EVO_aunit) and BIS_EVO_arank != ""NONE"";";

expActiv="BIS_EVO_aunit setUnitRank BIS_EVO_arank;BIS_EVO_aunit = objNull;BIS_EVO_arank= ""NONE""";

class Effects

Now all I have to do is replace the MP variable with the ones from the SP version ? ( someone please correct me if i'm wrong)

Version 5 should be out today / tonight. I have emailed it to Armaholic as an update..


-- Added briefing.

-- Added note about caa1 missing addons and link to get missing files.

It seems there are 2 files missing from the caa1 version listed on armaholic and

Kellys heroses site. if you encounter error messages about the following:


caa1_p cti_buildings

They can be obtained from the link below:


Also included is an extra small addon to hopefully resolve some compatibility issues and make game play a little easier.

oac_a1_class_mapping.pbo performs additional class mapping with oac to Arma 2 and allows the player and AT Soldiers

to carry 3 x M136 rockets instead of 1.

I used this addon whilst editing the mission and although it has no dependencies to the mission i thought it best to include it anyway...


Hi Arma 2 community,

Released on Armaholic is my first mission conversion from Arma to Arma 2..

A few minor issues need to be fixed, however I am hoping the Arma 2 community can assist me...

There are a few minor dialog errors displayed but game runs without any major issues.

Anyone who played EvolutionSP by Kronzky which was based on the Multi-Player Version by KilJoy will remember this great mission ( Its Single player CTI incorporating recruitment & rank advancement based to kills and town captures etc.. )

As you rank up you get access to better weapons and vehicles plus more squad members for you to command...

Only addons needed are CAA1 and OAC core to provide Arma islands and classmappings from Arma 1 to Arma 2 substitutes etc...

Hopefully Armaholic should be updated soon and the community can enjoy my conversion..

Any suggestions or criticism appreciated in the aim of improving the mission..

Eventually I would like to include artillery support for the player and move islands from Sara to isladuala thus removing the need for CAA1 and convert all Arma 1 class names to Arma 2 suitable substitutes which will remove the Oac core component...


Dhill68 aka ( Mopar )

PS: Please enjoy...

Original Evolution SP Manual by kronzky is below for anyone interested:


This mission is a single-player conversion of the MP-version created by KilJoy.

The main priority has been to retain the feel and functionality of the online gameplay, with the only changes implemented to compensate for the lack of other players, or to overcome technical differences in the way ArmA handles MP and SP missions.

The changes in detail are as follows:


Instead of straightforward kill-counts the player's rating is used (which will give you different points depending on what you killed, e.g. 1000pts for an officer, 200pts for a rifleman)

For every rank increase you can recruit 2 more AI units (for a total of 12)

To make up for the lack of human medics, you can recruit a medic as soon as you become Corporal (2nd rank)

To make up for the lack of human shuttle drivers/pilots, there will be a chopper shuttle available at all times, to take you back to the base

Abandoned vehicles will stay at their position indefinitely. Only unarmed, destroyed vehicles will respawn at their original location.

Empty enemy vehicles can be used independently of your rank

If a player leaves a town and then returns, the town will only be re-populated to its previous level, not to the initial full-strength level

Town are considered cleared if there are less than 12 AI units left (8 for smaller towns)

Since it would be too easy to rack up points with side missions, each side mission can only be played once per cleared town

A reconnaissance plane will randomly patrol the current island and briefly reveal enemy position. The fewer enemy units there are in a town, to more often this plane will patrol that area (to help in finding the last survivors)

In Veteran mode you can save every 10 minutes. In Recruit mode you can save as often as you like.

Passcodes for ranks and cleared cities allow you immediately activate these objectives later on

You are able to skip some time in the barracks

The mission has been fully translated into German, French, Spanish, Polish & Russian


Your main objective is to clear the 11 marked cities.

A city is considered cleared if the area indicated by the gray marker contains no more enemy vehicles (armed and unarmed), and the number of enemy troops is below a certain level (between 8 & 12, depending on the city).

The number of initial infantry and armored units depends on the size of the city, plus/minus a random variation.

Enemy units will only spawn once you enter the perimeters on foot on via ground vehicles.

The secondary objective is the destruction of a randomly placed radio tower (indicated on the map).

The third (optional) objective is the capture of the main officer in each city.

The officer can be detained before the city is cleared, and his location is indicated on the map once you come within 200 meters of him.

You can fulfill these objectives in any order you wish.

Once all cities are cleared, and at least 10 side missions have been completed, the mission will be finished.


Once you reach specific points you will be promoted to a new rank.

These ranks will give you different capabilities, like the kind of vehicles you can operate, the kind of weapons you will find in the ammo boxes, and the number and type of teammembers you can recruit.

If you lose points due to friendly fatalities it might happen that you are demoted.

You can see your current rank and score on the mini map (radio 0-0-0).


PRIVATE 0 MP5A5, M16A2, M16A4, M136 HMMWV, Truck5t 0

CORPORAL 5,000 M16A2 GL, M16A4 ACG, M4, M240 HMMWV50, Truck5tMG 2

SERGEANT 25,000 M9, M16A4 ACG GL, M4AIM, M4A1, M24 MH6, HMMWVTOW, ~MK, Stryker ICV M2 4

LIEUTENANT 50,000 MP5 SD, M9 SD, M4 GL, M4A1 GL, M249 Stryker ICV MK19, M113, UH60MG 6

CAPTAIN 75,000 M4A1 SD, M4SPR Vulcan , UH60 (FFAR) 8

MAJOR 100,000 G36K, G36C, G36A AH6, AV8B2, Stryker TOW 10

COLONEL 150,000 JAVELIN, M107 AV8B, M1Abrams, AH1Z, A-10 12


You will receive the following points for different tasks completed:

City cleared 5,000

Radio Tower destroyed 2,000

Main officer detained 2,000

Capturing a soldier POW 500

Capturing an officer POW 1500

Side mission between 1,000 and 3,000 points

Killing an enemy solider 200

Killing an enemy Especas or sniper 500

Killing an enemy officer, squad leader or soldier POW 1,000

Killing an officer POW 2,000

Destroying an enemy vehicle between 200 and 1,000 points

You can also lose points by incurring losses on your own side:

Death of a teammate -500

Killing a teammate -1400

Destroying a Western vehicle between -1,400 and -7,000 points

See this list for detailed scores for enemy and team-kills.



Any vehicles you are driving will automatically be repaired, refuelled and rearmed when you bring it back to the base.

Enemy vehicles will be refueled and repaired, but can only be rearmed at an enemy ammo truck.

Unarmed vehicles that are destroyed in the field will respawn at their original location.

Abandoned vehicles will stay at their location indefinitely.

Destroyed armed vehicles are indicated by repair marker on the map, and have to be repaired and refueled before they can be used again.


Most cities are surrounded by several anti-aircraft units. Their range is indicated by the red cross-hatch markers on the map.

Before taking any air-vehicles into these zones you should make sure that those units have been eliminated.


A spyplane which randomly circles over the active island (indicated by a white circle on the map) will allow you brief glimpses at enemy positions.

As the enemy presense in the city you are attacking becomes less, the frequency at which the plane will cross that town will increase.


There are three FARPs (Forward Area Rearm & Refuel Points) located on the map.

At these places you can repair/heal and rearm your vehicles, your team, and yourself.


From any position on the map (and at any rank) you can call in a chopper to bring you (and your team) back to the base.

Position yourself at the desired landing spot, and call it via the radio menu (0-0-9).


If you prefer to do your mission at a specific hour of the day you can enter the barracks at the base, and skip a few hours forward, until the desired time has been reached.


After a city is liberated any enemy troops still present will surrender, and can be captured as POWs.

To do this, approach them and select the "Capture" option from the action menu.

You can also use your teammates to capture units.

Once captured, they will be part of your team, and you will then have to transport them back to the base, and bring them to the POW camp.

When arresting and transporting POWs make sure that none of them is further than 100 meters away from either you or any of your teammembers, or he will escape, at which point you will not be able to capture him again.

If you have problems with your teammates shooting POWs during transport, read the relevant paragraph in the throubleshooting section.


There is a slight chance that, after you liberate a city, a troop of enemy units might be para-dropped at that location.

This will not affect the status of the city or the POWs, but you should keep that in mind when taking over a won city.


At any time you can enter the Mission HQ and select a side mission via your action menu.

The location, difficulty and bonus points of these missions depend on your current rank.

Once a side mission has been completed (or abandoned via the radio option) you cannot repeat this mission until another town has been cleared.


After each promotion or completed city you will be given a unique passcode.

In the case of cities this will be a 3-character code, for cities it will be 5 characters.

These codes allows you to later start a mission from scratch, and "fast-forward" to the stage you had reached before.

This feature is useful in case a game save becomes corrupted, or if you would like to try to tackle the mission using different strategies.

Once you receive the code you should write it down (or take a screenshot), so that you have access to it later on.

To enter a code call up the radio with 0-0-7.


There are more Western support vehicles and tanks (as well as an enemy ammo truck) at the Corazol harbor area

The chopper is considered a neutral vehicle, so enemy troops will not attack it (or you, while you're in it), so it can sometimes be used to get you out of a hopeless situation.

Anything you can do yourself at the base (recruiting teammembers, selecting side missions, skipping time) can also be done by one of your teammembers if they are located at the base.

To have them remotely execute one of these functions, select the "Action" option in their control menu, and chose the desired action.

If you recruit a new teammember via this method you have to chose (by clicking on the map) the location where he will be para-dropped.

This location can be within a 300 meter radius of your own, current location.



Because of limitations in the ArmA engine your team members will consider any POWs that are placed in vehicles as enemies. To circumvent this situation you can use one of these strategies:

Place your team into the vehicle first

Order your team to hold fire

Move your team out of sight of the vehicles/POWs

Vehicle rearming

Some vehicles (e.g. Striker) will not rearm all magazines at either the base or an ammo truck. This is an ArmA limitation, and cannot be circumvented.

Shuttle touchdown

Occasionally (especially if you have accelerated the time) the shuttle may briefly touch down, and then lift off again, staying stationary at that location. If that happens, bring the acceleration time back to normal, and just call the shuttle once again via radio 0-0-9 (even if you are in it already).

Edited by Dhill68
added info again

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#1 feature request for SP version: RESPAWNS!

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Please note: I may be unable to release mission because i didn't get Killjoys permission ( he created the original MP version that Evolution SP was based on... )

I am awaiting a reply from Armaholic to see if Killjoy will allow it to be released otherwise this great project will have to cancelled and I will have to enjoy this great conversion by myself....

Hopefully it will work out for the best.....

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And EvoSP was then made by Kronzky. You may need perm from him as well if you havent already. Good luck.

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I have Kronzky's permission to release my mission but Armaholic says they need to check with Killjoys because there is some agreement in place whereby they wont release any more evo missions based on Killjoys original work unless Killjoy says its ok..

( Hopefully its Killjoy by name and not Killjoy by nature ) lol

PS: Work is progressing for my sole enjoyment at the moment, most CAA1 and oac stuff has been removed.. I have been editing and play testing to get it to the point I am happy with it...

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hiya Dhil

we've ported evolution into arma2 for thelast year - take a look at these mate

list of released evolution missions


general evo discussion thread


list of fixed bugs etc - not up to date - we've done a lot more of this since we started the thread


we've fixed a lot of the errors and ported to duala and all of the other islands, as well as adding in many features.

kiljoy has never replied to any PM's we sent him so we can't host on armaholic either.

it hasn't stopped us keeping his awesome work alive though anddeveloping it for the community to enjoy.

feel free to ask for any help with modifying the mission - there's not much ofit we haven't rewritten for arma2.

people do demand a SP version often and I don't know how to make it, so best of luck with your project!


Eggbeast and the evo bunch

Edited by eggbeast

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The version of Evolution I am trying to release is Single Player not MP.... as far as i know all the other versions of evo are MP only....

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Hi All,

Been doing a lot of play testing my mission conversion and I have to say one the best mods i have used recently would have to be:

slx_wounds_lite for blood spray, splatter and improved wounding and bleeding etc. ( this is a great mod, reminds me of OFPEC blood in Arma 1 )

I found this great mod in Iranian Forces mod ai fix at:


This small addon totally revitalises the the game IMHO, I never liked the Arma 2 wounded issue when you would be lying on ground and only able to crawl until healed.. shooting an enemy in front of a wall and seeing his blood spray over the wall is a sight to behold...

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Thanks for the support eggbeast..

I may need help with some minor scripting issues such as converting sqs to sqf and general stuff, but on the whole I can do most of the other work myself, I worked on OAC project for a while with Kju and picked up a lot of skills and developed my own powergrep scripts ( saves a lot of time in converting missions )

I have even managed to convert some FDF and CSLA mod campaigns to Arma CWR standard class names so they are playable without the mods...

I think i have close to 40+ campaigns from OFP ported to Arma CWR and now I can start the conversion from Arma CWR to Arma 2 CWR2...

None of these converted campaigns have ever been released either. I converted them purely for my own gaming pleasure.....

On of my favorite campaigns is the Red Hammer campaign that came with OFP Resistance, I spent a lot of time converting it and also playing it in OFP to guarantee an exact precise conversion...

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The version of Evolution I am trying to release is Single Player not MP.... as far as i know all the other versions of evo are MP only....
yes this is true as far as we're aware - will be good to see an SP campaign of evolution. happy to help - take a look through our fixes - it may save you some time.

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Hopefully it will be available soon....

Read me file listed below to show changes...

Hi Big,

Please find attached A2_EvolutionSP_V4


Most problems fixed..

Readme in archive is below.

EvolutionSP V4 Readme File 03 July 2011

This is my conversion of EvolutionSP by Kronzky based on the original MP version by KillJoy..

Full credit goes to the original creator KillJoy and also Kronzky..

I have Kronzky's permission to releas this as my own mission conversion....

For more detailed instructions on how to play, including rank progression, rewards

and general how to play please see included file:

evolutionsp_manual.htm created by Kronzky

I decided this epic Single Player mission was missing from the Arma 2 community and

took it apon myself to convert it for all to enjoy...

All work was done by me as a learning project to better understand Arma 2 editing, scripting,

mission design and generally having fun play testing my own work..

Also note I had to make some changes to AI skill levels and ranks due to the way Arma 2 AI and

more specifically its micro AI behaves more intelligently compared to the Arma 1 game engine...



IF FX MODS eg. WARFX BLASTCORE, BLOOD EFFECT or AI MODS ARE USED... ( From my testing anyway )

Version 4


-- Added Sound files listed in description.ext and

altered pathing to new Arma 2 syntax.

-- Added Images Listed in Description.ext and

altered pathing to new Arma 2 syntax.

-- Entry in Mission.sqm sideradio message at start

altered pathing to new Arma 2 syntax and added

def to description.ext e but still won't play.

Sound file says " Go Give'em Hell Boys"( NOT FIXED YET )

-- Debugged all .hpp files and removed // comments

causing unexpected end of file error.

(( Arma 2 will allow comments but only at line start in .EXT file. ))

-- Changed Skill level of ZSU commanders from 1 to 0.4

they are way to good on skill=1.

-- Changed any high skilled enemy soldier > 0.4

to lower level of 0.2.

-- Deranked any high ranking RU Officers. Otherwise impossibly hard AI..

Officer in eacdh town was high rank & high skill leading to him commanding

all subordinates groups leading to the player being overwhelmed and swamped by

enemy forces.

-- Fixed StickX & StickY errors with new syntax in quickmap.hpp, a few small dialog errors to fix...

-- Fix Issues with BMP2 , BRDM2 , BRDM2_ATGM , D30

Oac core default class mapping replaced BMP2 with BMP3 and BRDM with BTR90, Having higher armour values

than Arma 1 vehicles they were way too strong and unbalanced the game..

Discovered extra_vehicles part of oac which adds missing RU Vehicles.

BMP2 = BMP2_RU Done



D30 = D30_RU Done

-- Fix missing Strykers being replaced by LAV25's ( oac core issue )

sti_Stryker_ICV_M2 Done

sti_Stryker_ICV_MK19 Done

sti_Stryker_TOW Done

-- Have to raise ZSU skill level, at current skill level they don't fire

and they retreat to edge of city zone. Done

-- Capture Officer Issue - Unable to capture enemy officers in each town, when captured he appears in the players

group momentarily then dissapears from group and reverts back to his uncaptured state whereapon players

squad mates kill him as an enemy... ( NOT FIXED ) probably a scripting issue from Arma 1 to Arma 2 re: captives

treated differently ??

-- Must contact Kronzky and find out what the phone does in the ammo crates at base, their is also a sound file related

to the phone that says " ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring Bananna Phone " - quite funny...

-- No briefings yet, fortunately Kronzky's use of markers for objectives etc mean its playable without the

briefings so far, Side missions may be an issue though..

-- Link to CAA1 & OAC



Bug reports or suggestions or offers of help to fix issues still remaining go to :

-- Bohemia Interactive Forums Link:




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Original Evolution SP Manual by kronzky is below for anyone interested::


This mission is a single-player conversion of the MP-version created by KilJoy.

The main priority has been to retain the feel and functionality of the online gameplay, with the only changes implemented to compensate for the lack of other players, or to overcome technical differences in the way ArmA handles MP and SP missions.

The changes in detail are as follows:


Instead of straightforward kill-counts the player's rating is used (which will give you different points depending on what you killed, e.g. 1000pts for an officer, 200pts for a rifleman)

For every rank increase you can recruit 2 more AI units (for a total of 12)

To make up for the lack of human medics, you can recruit a medic as soon as you become Corporal (2nd rank)

To make up for the lack of human shuttle drivers/pilots, there will be a chopper shuttle available at all times, to take you back to the base

Abandoned vehicles will stay at their position indefinitely. Only unarmed, destroyed vehicles will respawn at their original location.

Empty enemy vehicles can be used independently of your rank

If a player leaves a town and then returns, the town will only be re-populated to its previous level, not to the initial full-strength level

Town are considered cleared if there are less than 12 AI units left (8 for smaller towns)

Since it would be too easy to rack up points with side missions, each side mission can only be played once per cleared town

A reconnaissance plane will randomly patrol the current island and briefly reveal enemy position. The fewer enemy units there are in a town, to more often this plane will patrol that area (to help in finding the last survivors)

In Veteran mode you can save every 10 minutes. In Recruit mode you can save as often as you like.

Passcodes for ranks and cleared cities allow you immediately activate these objectives later on

You are able to skip some time in the barracks

The mission has been fully translated into German, French, Spanish, Polish & Russian


Your main objective is to clear the 11 marked cities.

A city is considered cleared if the area indicated by the gray marker contains no more enemy vehicles (armed and unarmed), and the number of enemy troops is below a certain level (between 8 & 12, depending on the city).

The number of initial infantry and armored units depends on the size of the city, plus/minus a random variation.

Enemy units will only spawn once you enter the perimeters on foot on via ground vehicles.

The secondary objective is the destruction of a randomly placed radio tower (indicated on the map).

The third (optional) objective is the capture of the main officer in each city.

The officer can be detained before the city is cleared, and his location is indicated on the map once you come within 200 meters of him.

You can fulfill these objectives in any order you wish.

Once all cities are cleared, and at least 10 side missions have been completed, the mission will be finished.


Once you reach specific points you will be promoted to a new rank.

These ranks will give you different capabilities, like the kind of vehicles you can operate, the kind of weapons you will find in the ammo boxes, and the number and type of teammembers you can recruit.

If you lose points due to friendly fatalities it might happen that you are demoted.

You can see your current rank and score on the mini map (radio 0-0-0).


PRIVATE 0 MP5A5, M16A2, M16A4, M136 HMMWV, Truck5t 0

CORPORAL 5,000 M16A2 GL, M16A4 ACG, M4, M240 HMMWV50, Truck5tMG 2

SERGEANT 25,000 M9, M16A4 ACG GL, M4AIM, M4A1, M24 MH6, HMMWVTOW, ~MK, Stryker ICV M2 4

LIEUTENANT 50,000 MP5 SD, M9 SD, M4 GL, M4A1 GL, M249 Stryker ICV MK19, M113, UH60MG 6

CAPTAIN 75,000 M4A1 SD, M4SPR Vulcan , UH60 (FFAR) 8

MAJOR 100,000 G36K, G36C, G36A AH6, AV8B2, Stryker TOW 10

COLONEL 150,000 JAVELIN, M107 AV8B, M1Abrams, AH1Z, A-10 12


You will receive the following points for different tasks completed:

City cleared 5,000

Radio Tower destroyed 2,000

Main officer detained 2,000

Capturing a soldier POW 500

Capturing an officer POW 1500

Side mission between 1,000 and 3,000 points

Killing an enemy solider 200

Killing an enemy Especas or sniper 500

Killing an enemy officer, squad leader or soldier POW 1,000

Killing an officer POW 2,000

Destroying an enemy vehicle between 200 and 1,000 points

You can also lose points by incurring losses on your own side:

Death of a teammate -500

Killing a teammate -1400

Destroying a Western vehicle between -1,400 and -7,000 points

See this list for detailed scores for enemy and team-kills.



Any vehicles you are driving will automatically be repaired, refuelled and rearmed when you bring it back to the base.

Enemy vehicles will be refueled and repaired, but can only be rearmed at an enemy ammo truck.

Unarmed vehicles that are destroyed in the field will respawn at their original location.

Abandoned vehicles will stay at their location indefinitely.

Destroyed armed vehicles are indicated by repair marker on the map, and have to be repaired and refueled before they can be used again.


Most cities are surrounded by several anti-aircraft units. Their range is indicated by the red cross-hatch markers on the map.

Before taking any air-vehicles into these zones you should make sure that those units have been eliminated.


A spyplane which randomly circles over the active island (indicated by a white circle on the map) will allow you brief glimpses at enemy positions.

As the enemy presense in the city you are attacking becomes less, the frequency at which the plane will cross that town will increase.


There are three FARPs (Forward Area Rearm & Refuel Points) located on the map.

At these places you can repair/heal and rearm your vehicles, your team, and yourself.


From any position on the map (and at any rank) you can call in a chopper to bring you (and your team) back to the base.

Position yourself at the desired landing spot, and call it via the radio menu (0-0-9).


If you prefer to do your mission at a specific hour of the day you can enter the barracks at the base, and skip a few hours forward, until the desired time has been reached.


After a city is liberated any enemy troops still present will surrender, and can be captured as POWs.

To do this, approach them and select the "Capture" option from the action menu.

You can also use your teammates to capture units.

Once captured, they will be part of your team, and you will then have to transport them back to the base, and bring them to the POW camp.

When arresting and transporting POWs make sure that none of them is further than 100 meters away from either you or any of your teammembers, or he will escape, at which point you will not be able to capture him again.

If you have problems with your teammates shooting POWs during transport, read the relevant paragraph in the throubleshooting section.


There is a slight chance that, after you liberate a city, a troop of enemy units might be para-dropped at that location.

This will not affect the status of the city or the POWs, but you should keep that in mind when taking over a won city.


At any time you can enter the Mission HQ and select a side mission via your action menu.

The location, difficulty and bonus points of these missions depend on your current rank.

Once a side mission has been completed (or abandoned via the radio option) you cannot repeat this mission until another town has been cleared.


After each promotion or completed city you will be given a unique passcode.

In the case of cities this will be a 3-character code, for cities it will be 5 characters.

These codes allows you to later start a mission from scratch, and "fast-forward" to the stage you had reached before.

This feature is useful in case a game save becomes corrupted, or if you would like to try to tackle the mission using different strategies.

Once you receive the code you should write it down (or take a screenshot), so that you have access to it later on.

To enter a code call up the radio with 0-0-7.


There are more Western support vehicles and tanks (as well as an enemy ammo truck) at the Corazol harbor area

The chopper is considered a neutral vehicle, so enemy troops will not attack it (or you, while you're in it), so it can sometimes be used to get you out of a hopeless situation.

Anything you can do yourself at the base (recruiting teammembers, selecting side missions, skipping time) can also be done by one of your teammembers if they are located at the base.

To have them remotely execute one of these functions, select the "Action" option in their control menu, and chose the desired action.

If you recruit a new teammember via this method you have to chose (by clicking on the map) the location where he will be para-dropped.

This location can be within a 300 meter radius of your own, current location.



Because of limitations in the ArmA engine your team members will consider any POWs that are placed in vehicles as enemies. To circumvent this situation you can use one of these strategies:

Place your team into the vehicle first

Order your team to hold fire

Move your team out of sight of the vehicles/POWs

Vehicle rearming

Some vehicles (e.g. Striker) will not rearm all magazines at either the base or an ammo truck. This is an ArmA limitation, and cannot be circumvented.

Shuttle touchdown

Occasionally (especially if you have accelerated the time) the shuttle may briefly touch down, and then lift off again, staying stationary at that location. If that happens, bring the acceleration time back to normal, and just call the shuttle once again via radio 0-0-9 (even if you are in it already).

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am i right that the mission is not released yet ? Can't wait to play it ! :)

the link "http://files.tom4897.info/Bohemia_In...dules/@caa1.7z" gives me an error:

"You don't have permission to access /Bohemia_Interactive/arma_2/modules/@caa1.7z on this server."

thanks for help,

keep up the good work,


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The link for caa1 listed below works fine for me and other people:


Mission has been emailed to Armaholic, I am just waiting for them to do an update of their front page....

Hopefully it won't be too long.... It is very challenging though, best tip is save very often....

Also try:

http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7006 Try top @caa1 link and bottom link

Edited by Dhill68
forgot relevant info 2

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CAA1 missing addons error message at Arma 2 start screen...

If anyone gets an error message about missing caa1 CTI buildings let me know, My version of caa1 allready has the CTI buildings, yours may not.....

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i get this at startup addon glt_oac_core_efix requries caa1_c_cti_buildings i got the whole caa1 so i think theres a file missing

---------- Post added at 01:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:33 PM ----------

this might help out if it's the case


---------- Post added at 03:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:34 PM ----------

now i added the cti buildings but now it's missing caa1_p cti_buildings

---------- Post added at 04:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:20 PM ----------

when opening mission it says cannot open opject bmp .p3d

and then it crashes the game

Edited by pressytcn

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Do I need OA to play?

Or can I with Arma2 vanilla and listed mods?

Thank you

P.S. about the "banana phone": it's the creepy jingle you are forced to ear when jailed :p.

Maybe the phone item is somehow related.

Edited by puzzola

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i get this at startup addon glt_oac_core_efix requries caa1_c_cti_buildings i got the whole caa1 so i think theres a file missing

---------- Post added at 01:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:33 PM ----------

this might help out if it's the case


---------- Post added at 03:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:34 PM ----------

now i added the cti buildings but now it's missing caa1_p cti_buildings

---------- Post added at 04:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:20 PM ----------

when opening mission it says cannot open opject bmp .p3d

and then it crashes the game

Works fine here absolutely no issues, I have been developing and testing with Arma 2 + Operation Arrowhead v1.56 Combined ops install...

glt_oac_core_efix tells me it needs CO (combined ops ) eg. Arma 2 and arrowhead installed... The efix part seems to indicate

Arrowhead content or maybe sound file compatibility mappings from Arrowhead expansion etc....

So yes Arrowhead / CO is needed to play this mission...

Edited by Dhill68
forgot to add extra info re: error message

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good progress mate

-- Capture Officer Issue - Unable to capture enemy officers in each town, when captured he appears in the players group momentarily then dissapears from group and reverts back to his uncaptured state whereapon players squad mates kill him as an enemy... ( NOT FIXED ) probably a scripting issue from Arma 1 to Arma 2 re: captives treated differently ??

you can make an enemy officer join your group

in our evo - in the rendition mission - script name mcsarc.sqf - (where you must capture an enemy officer) we make him a civilian

_pilot = createGroup (civilian);

_allunits = EGG_EVO_meofficer; //called from the init.sqf - this is an array of possible enemy officer classes tochoose from - saves having to edit each script when we mod the mission units

_max = count _allunits;

_hostage = _pilot createUnit [_allunits select (round random (_max - 1)), _pos1, [], 0, "NONE"];Sleep BIS_EVO_GlobalSleep;


_x disableAI "MOVE";

_x allowfleeing 0;

_x setBehaviour "Careless";

removeallweapons _x;

_x setCaptive true;

commandStop _x;

_x addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [_this select 0] execVM "data\scripts\bury.sqf"}]

} forEach units _pilot;

then after (specific to our mission type) we have killed all the nemy units in a 200m square trigger, this is activated

[_hostage] join _usergroup;

_hostage setdamage 0;

_hostage setCaptive false;

_hostage enableAI "MOVE";

_hostage doFollow (leader _usergroup);

would be possible to adapt this in Evo for the officer by editing these files:


with some attention paid to these also




we have edited these a lot for the MP versions - so you can capture the officer and soldiers but not take them back to base. it should be possible though.

-- Must contact Kronzky and find out what the phone does in the ammo crates at base, their is also a sound file related to the phone that says " ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring Bananna Phone " - quite funny...

as puzzola says this is caused when the jail is activated by a negative score (implies either teamkilling or blowing stuff up at base, but quite often captures innocent but clumsy pilots!)

relevant scripts:



and markers in the mission.sqm

we have a toggle to disable this in the parameters interface menu (developed by Razor)

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i will keep trying i think it might have some to do with wcr2 mod it' claims to need addons from what i can see you did a great job making this and i'll be playing it soon:)

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i will keep trying i think it might have some to do with wcr2 mod it' claims to need addons from what i can see you did a great job making this and i'll be playing it soon:)

Try it without any mods except the ones included, What is wcr2 mod ??

There are no addons used in my mission except caa1, oac and sti_strykers which is included...

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why use STI strykers? they are all in OA now

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Because they are the correct camo for the other vehicles and troops, the strykers in OA are desert camo....

May sound a little silly, but they looked out of place... ( i did a test version with all OA units too )

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