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I recommend the 7th Cavalry Tactical Realism server. It runs a game mode called Domination 2. I find Domination 2 immensely fun, but I also think it's good for new players to learn the MP ropes after they know the basics.

Domination 2 is a coop game mode that puts you and your teammates against a large number of AI. It revolves around taking a large number of AO's(Areas of Operation), along with completing optional side-missions to get bonus vehicles.

As for why I think it's good for new players....

1. There's a "revive" option. After a player is killed, they will start rolling around on the ground yelling things. Other players can revive them by walking up close and using the action menu. Downed players can also be dragged and carried. The good thing about this is that it makes friendly fire less of an issue, as you can revive people you accidentally killed if you can reach them. Especially when you're new, accidents are bound to happen.

2. You have access to a large number of weapons from the ammo crates located at base. You can experiment with different loadouts and find out what you like best.

3. There's a large selection of vehicles at base as well. Although you should know basic vehicle handling before you enter MP, you can learn the finer points of a lot of different vehicles. Just watch other players who know what they're doing and imitate them, and also ask for advice whenever you need it.

4. The server isn't nearly as chaotic as most public servers are. You can reach capable admins via TS3 at almost all hours of the day. The air vehicles are strictly controlled so that people who just jump in and crash them will be kicked.

5. All OPFOR vehicles are locked. In my early days of ArmA-playing, I made the mistake of jumping into OPFOR vehicles way too often, and got friendly AT units lighting me up all the time. You simply can't do that in this server, and it will save you a lot of pain, even if it doesn't seem like it.

Other things about the 7th Cav server.

1. Get TS3 and join their TS3 server. It makes playing much more fun. It can be confusing at first, however. Don't be afraid to speak up if you need something. The TS3 Info is on a sign in front of the helicopters, and you can always ask someone for it.

2. You MUST be on TS3 to fly. This is to coordinate the aircraft more efficiently and make sure there is a proper ratio of pilots to units on the ground. People who are not on TS3 WILL be kicked if they do not comply to the rules after being warned twice.

3. Don't fly the UH-1H Wreck Chopper unless you know exactly what you're doing. The UH-1H is a 2-bladed helicopter that is painted dark green and has skids. It is used to pick up the wrecks of bonus vehicles and bring them to the repair pad. Under no circumstances is it to be used as a transport chopper.

4. If you hear people talking about things like "Buffalo 1", "Grizzly 1", and "Hog 1", don't be afraid to ask what these mean. They're callsigns of the aircraft for more concise communication. The numbers are dependent on how many aircraft of that type are in the air at the moment.

Here are some of the callsigns.

Buffalo 1 - MH-60 Black Hawk

Grizzly 1 - CH-47 Chinook

Raven 1 - MH-6J Little Bird

Hog 1 - A-10 Thunderbolt II

Snake 1 - AV-8 Harrier

Raider 1 - AH-64 Apache

Infidel 1 - Close Air Support Coordinator with Laser Designator

If you want more information, just PM me.

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160th. thats sounds totally ideal, Im in the UK will that be an issue?

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I don't think being in the UK should be an issue. Over 2 continuous months of playing on there (3 total if you count when I played in March/mid-April), there has only been 1 time when there was only 1 other person on TS3. The TS3 channel has never been completely empty for all the time I have been on, and I often set my alarm clock to 3:30. (I have odd sleeping patterns...)

The main "dead zone" is right around the server restart at 4:00 AM U.S. Central Time. It varies night to night, but I've never encountered a situation where the server was completely empty. The least it's ever been was I think 3 people. That's not many, but it's a serious all-time low. Normally it's about 10 or so at that time, and most of them tend to be on TS3, which isn't always the case in the daytime.

The server does tend to get more orderly when it's at less than 20 or so people. The Admins have an easier time dealing with any miscreants. Sometimes it can get a bit overwhelming when the server's at full capacity.

When I started, I found TS3 very confusing while the server was at full capacity. There was so much going on that I had trouble figuring things out at first. It's best to have about 5-7 people in TS3 if you're just starting out, because there's not nearly as much radio chatter and it feels much more open. When the server's full, people are talking almost every second.

Basically, all you need to do is be a mature person and follow the server rules and instructions given to you. If you stay on there a while and don't act like an immature idiot, people will get to know you.

I've rambled.

Edited by 160thSOAR

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There are plenty of mods out there that enchance the game experience. Unfortunately some of them are not allowed on some Servers, you always have to keep an eye on that.

I recommend you to check out WAR FX Blastcore (search for Videos on Youtube)


for some nice explosions and a Soundmod like JSRS (also many Vids on Youtube)


to get the game sounds right. Those two are very popular and allowed on many Servers

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I have a question now. How do I find my natural resolution?

Sorry its taken so long to reply to this: run a search for you monitors model # and add natural to the end of the search line. That should bring something up.

Example: Acer w223x natural

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Have you been on the 7Cav server yet Para?

I forgot to mention this very important piece of information....

To find it, filter for "7Cav" or maybe "Tactical Realism 1.58"

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No still dl off steam.

Ok so I made my first build today, it's working but I wondered if you could help me.

On the original crysis, on max settings I'm getting around 24fps, if I alt tab and come back in it jumps to around 50fps with a slight border, is this normal?

I'm playing on my 47 led tv, looks great but had 3 crashes already with a buzzzzz sound.

Any thoughts? Is there something I should in the bios? Or over clock setting?

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Did you already overclock your new PC? You shouldn´t overclock a new PC. First make sure that everything works without Problems

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Did you already overclock your new PC? You shouldn´t overclock a new PC. First make sure that everything works without Problems

I don't know what am doing!, strugglying with updates and bios settings, not sure I even built it right, wish I bought a pre mAde now :(

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I don't know what am doing!, strugglying with updates and bios settings, not sure I even built it right, wish I bought a pre mAde now :(

Hey bud, yeah when you build your own computer, try to get it running stable first, then slowly push things up if you want the extra power :) I remember once i had a sound a bit like buzzing when I first built a computer, was the whole thing locking up and the sound from the speakers going dodgy for me. I think it was caused by my RAM speed/setting in the Bios.

Might be worth google-ing your motherboard and seeing if there is any info on setting it up around.

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You can ask here


make sure to list all your components and to describe the Problems.

I have build a new PC myself just 2 weeks ago, it ain´t really that hard if you follow the instructions.

BIOS Update isn´t really important (well depends on Mother Board), first make sure that everything else works.

My new baby:



Specs below

Edited by Tonci87

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