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AI: key improvements and related things

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There are many threads about animations and graphics so let's discuss one of the main elements that actually make ArmA what it is

BIS you should:

- make AI use buildings. And not just hide in them. Proper pathfinding, the ability to engage through windows. Like if AI knows the enemy is to the north and the nearby building provides a suitable window overviewing north - he may as well use it just like right now he looks for cover with these parameters in mind.

- some kind of inter-squad communications.

It can be a module that you put on the map and synchronise squads to it. Squads that are synchronised to it will be able to share info about enemies, squads that are not will not - to still keep missions the way you want them (for the sake of some squads staying where they are f.e.). Multiple modules can be put on the map so squads in different areas can only share info inside their own group.

Why this is desperately needed? I believe this is achievable and can fix the ever annoying thing with one squad being completely oblivious to the fact that the other squad is being wiped out just 100m away or MG static positions not reacting to an enemy killing friendly squad inside the same base under their nose.

- AI and NVGs. What BIS did in OA is good - it removed the cheat of NVGs + optics. However that isn't enough. Right now NVGs are still way too overpowered and what they do is basically showing a night like a day with a green filter.

Reduce NVGs viewdistance realistically and make AI get affected by this as well.

NVGs shouldn't be a day mode at night neither for the player nor for AI (which is how it is now).

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