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=242= CPT. Helios

Long Inquiry - Want to design an INFANTRY hud mod.

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This may have been posted before in little bits in threads somewhere, but I'm looking for a different kind of modification. I'm working on a science-fiction mod and I'm looking for a way to use the hud for the AH-64D to create a hud for infantry that includes a number of features including

Target Tracking.

Ammo Count.

Weapon Information.

Ability to toggle on and off Thermal Vision.

Ability to track teammate position by number.


Time of Day

Infantry Radar

I know that some of these are really hard. I'm not looking for hand-outs, I'm simply looking for whatever tools I might need to create a Mando or MFD style hud for infantry so that I can get started. I've managed to fiddle my way around basic scripts but I just need a way to get started. If anyone can point me to some tutorials for what I'm looking for that would be excellent, thanks.

Also, I know that some of you may disapprove of this mod style because it's not what you're into but this is something of a personal project of mine. Thanks for your consideration.

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pretty much this would be like Land Warrior or Future Force Warrior?

maybe look at dialogs or the configs for the ah-64 to see if that helps

sorry i cant be more helpful, ive never tried stuff like this

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Yeah it would be something like that. Sadly, since I've not done something like this before, I have no idea where to even put the thread so I'm sorry if this is the wrong place.

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Hi helios932,

Although I haven't got any code for you (there are MANY more talented people coding than me !) I think this is a GREAT idea.

You almost need an STHUD (from dsylexci) that shows enemies too but I havent a clue how you could modify the script.

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