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Non-Blinding sun mod for OA

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Is there any mod for OA that makes the sun not so bright?

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Use the button labled "search". You might be surprised of what you might find.

On a side note forum rules are to search before posting. Alot of the same questions have been asked before and beem answered.

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Use the button labled "search". You might be surprised of what you might find.

On a side note forum rules are to search before posting. Alot of the same questions have been asked before and beem answered.

Yea, I was surprised that I searched "Sun Mod" and didn't find what I was looking for until the second page... and I knew what mod I was looking for. Imagine if I was new and hadn't known about the mod before hand.

Rath, here is the mod you need.


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Well if you typed Non-Blinding sun mod you would of found it on page one. Imagine if you took the extra 3 seconds to type it out how fast you would of had the answer.

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And imagine if you would have taken 3 seconds to help him out. Someone who clearly knows what they are doing.. compared to Rath..who has two posts..the first one being a topic he opened in the wrong thread...the second one being this one which will be closed shortly as well..

Its clear he needs to read the rules. Its also clear that just criticizing him when he breaks the rules that he doesn't know about doesn't help.

Anyhow i'm done, no point in dragging this on. Someone asked for help and he got it.

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Give a man a fish he eats for a day, but show a man how to fish he eats for a life time.

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When searching for an addon the sticky addon request topic should be used.

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