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Arma 3 Chain of command?

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A major feature that I think could have been in A2 was a proper chain of command. sure you can be ranked as either Private, corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, captain and major, but they don't really determine anything except for who is in charge of the squad.

Now. what if a Major commanded say four captains/lieutenants, which in turn commanded their sergeants, who commanded fire teams. I dunno, just a feature that kinda irritated me. I know this would be difficult in some game modes, having AI as your superiors, but maybe it could work.

Thus you have a proper chain of command?

Just a rough Idea

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For me "proper chain of command" was always an external thing, usually from a milsim unit running an operation. AI doesn't need to be part of it and other than being able to set a rank it's never really impacted my gaming at all. I listen to my squad leader on ACRE and that's all I need to know. :)

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I doubt this will be in Arma 3 but I think it would be really cool. I always like commanding a squad of ai but at the same time I like following orders. It would be neat if you had a superior that would give you a general task to complete and then you could use your squad to complete it in which ever way you want. It is somewhat similar to high command but I don't think high command can be used by the ai. I also wish that as a team leader in a squad you would be able to command a fire team while still following your squad leaders orders.

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Simple answer: Have a proper military organization of platoons, squads, and fireteams. Have the player be able to establish a PL, APL, RTO (for support actions), SL(s), and/or TL(s). This way, the player establishes the proper chain of command.

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So having a proper chain of command; what about when you eliminate parts of that chain of command? What should happen then in-game?

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"4 taking command" :p

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ChainOfCommand = <boolean>; - Enables proper Chain of Command structure (subordinate High Commanders will pass orders below). Available since version 1.01.

Example: BIS_HC_0 setvariable ["chainofcommand",true];

Default value: false (turned off by default for better performance)

:j: 5 characters

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