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Please BIS!! Give us Portable ATGM:S!!

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Now that we have been handed a lot of new veichles and small arms to toy around with, it´s time to investigate the need for better AT ordnance for our foot soldiers. I propose the M47 Dragon ATGM for US and the 9K111 (AT-4 Spigot) for the Soviets. For more info on these weapons:

Dragon: <a href="http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/m47-dragon.htm

9K111:" target="_blank">http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/m47-dragon.htm

9K111:</a> <a href="http://www.wonderland.org.nz/fagot.htm

Now" target="_blank">http://www.wonderland.org.nz/fagot.htm

Now</a> some of you will say "You whiner, we already have the AT-4" but we don´t. The AT4 in the game is merely a copy of the Carl Gustav and not guided btw.

I´d like a guidance interface there you don´t "lock" the target but rather guide the missile by training a reticle or crosshair on the target for the duration of the missile flight just like in real life. After all these missiles, like the TOW, are SACLOS, Semi Active Command Line Of Sight and you must be guided all the way to its target.

Perhaps this wouldn´t work for the AI soldiers but they could treat them like homing missiles and compensate by increasing CEP (Circular Error Probability).

This would be a new treat for all of us, new AFV´s and choppers doesn´t do the trick alone. There must be something new and exciting for us to play with and manually guided missiles would be an important and equally fun feature I think. smile.gif

Maybe 60 and 80mm mortar support should be considered viable requisitions too? Shouldn´t be to hard to implement it the same way as issuing move orders via the map ey? Menu->Support->Artillery->Map->Give Coords "Papa Bear, this is Alpa Squad, requesting arty round support at Delta Lima Six Niner expedite! Over!" "Alpha Squad, commencing fire mission, splash, Over" etc etc.

(Edited by Hindhunter at 10:21 pm on Dec. 17, 2001)

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Ah, yes and before anyone replies to this let me just add; I don´t want to hear about the Javelin add-on no matter how good it is because it has nothing to do with this.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Hindhunter on 10:18 pm on Dec. 17, 2001

Ah, yes and before anyone replies to this let me just add; I don´t want to hear about the Javelin add-on no matter how good it is because it has nothing to do with this.

<span id='postcolor'>

Urmh... I think it has a lot to do with this, it is a powerful AT weapon wink.gif

But basically, the Carl Gustav is like the Dragon, and I believe someone made a Dragon from my Javelin too... And for russians you can get the RPG29 by Armourdave, though its not guided but it can take out a abrams with one shot.

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hey kegetys i was wonderin if you can make a car for my clan plz cause i looked everywhere and those are nice missle launchers

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the carl gaustav and the at4 are manualy guided atleast i know the carl is. Move the reticle around when its in flight i managed to shoot a t72 behind a buidling once

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Guest Scooby

In real life AT-4 comes on top of the tripod and it is moved by a team of men. It is not guided automatically. Gunner must move reticle and aim to target aslong as missile hits / misses.

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There we go again, I said we had no authentic ATGM´s in the game and we don´t. Please don´t refer to add-ons that others than BIS has made because they are not authenticly modelled, no offence!

The Carl Gustav is not a guided weapon and the in-game AT4 doesn´t resemble the real AT-4 Spigot (9K111) at all. The Dragon and CG has nothing in common besides both being AT-weapons, the Dragon is CLOS guided, rocket propelled with disposable launch tube and removable guidance unit, whereas the CG (m/48 or m/86) is a recoilless anti tank rifle, rifled barrel ergo roll stabilized projectile with ballistic trajectory.

I´m in for the realism of this sim and I love games where the developers put time in making authentical units, equipment and behaviour. That´s pretty much all I think.

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Well, The Carl Gustav in OFP is wire quided, just like the M-47 Dragon in real life, so you could just edit your stringtable.cvs and rename the carl gustav into a M-47 Dragon wink.gif

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In a real sim, you don´t create models that are easy to make and then give them designations for weapons of totally different resemblances just like that. The CG is great as it is although you should be able to fire it in prone position, but ok.

I think there is a logical explanation why BIS let the AT-4 look and work like the CG. Since the Soviets have no equivalent system to the CG but only lighter RPG (Rivny Protivotankovny Granatomet), rocket propelled, low yield (nuke?? smile.gif )systems, like the LAW more or less, BIS made a version of the CG they called AT-4 to make things balanced.

This instead of developing a completely unique pose for those few soldiers using the AT-4 Spigot as well as making the complex model for it. Come to think about it, this was actually the first detail that puzzled me about the game, the rest came later. wink.gif

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I think there is enough infantry weapons (incl. AT) in OFP. The biggest thing missing is the ability to dig in both tanks and men. Trenches etc.

With the weapons now in OFP you can do almost everything that is possible in Real Life. I see no point in this scenario: "one man takes out tank column with three shots from the egde of visibility" What's the fun in that?

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Well, as always and in real life, it´s a question of surprise and opportunity. A group equipped with a RB56 BILL /M47 Dragon/Spigot could easily take out a column as long as they remain undetected.

If detected and positioned at a disadvantageous spot, the missile soldiers would probably turn into mincemeat in a matter of seconds. One thing that I miss in this game is the back blast effect induced when firing rocket weapons and recoilless at-rifles.

The blast signature is the first thing that reveals a AT-team, thus making them invulnerable, this is not the case in OFP, sorry to say. It would have made things prettier in a way....well. smile.gif

Anyway, I´m just interested in making the infantry a bit more lethal, it´s an infantry sim after all, just so you guys haven´t forgotten that wink.gif

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I can't imagine it being too hard to show backblast visually (no backblast damage, please, or the AI would cause mayhem) by adding a simple smoke effect whenever an AT weapon is fired.

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Guest Scooby

Infantry is handicapped in every possible way in OFP. In basic skills of soldier and on equipment side.

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Hey soldier, I really liked your signature or whatever it was, sorry but I´m not on the same LAN as you so I can´t view the pic there =).... "C:\My Documents\My Pictures\ww0207-54.jpg", what did the pic look like? wink.gif

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