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How do i get the Jet engine off when flying?

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Im using a stick n im flying digitally not analogue because when ur in a chopper in Warfare and go to rearm over a bunker mid flight the menu cuts ur engines.

Anyway i like to fly with no engines on during a hig altitude approach for extra stealth but if i pull the thrust paddle alway the back it engages the "brakes".

Is there a sweet spot on the paddle mid way or is there another way to set my paddle up so it doesn't initiliaze the breaks when the engine is off?

If i try turn the engine off wit say the paddle around 50% it automatically turns the engines back on.

Cheers fellas :)

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Remove brakes from the throttle and put in on a button or use default Z or Y.

When you throttle back now beyond 50% you can disengange...but in fact this wotn help you much... staying at speed and high is always better than this fake "stealt" since you can still be targeted and A.I. that picked you up won't forget about you just because you shut of engines.

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Well, when in MP the quieter your bird, the better. :)
It's especially in MP where this does not work...anymore. Its exsected and then when youre under fire you lack the speed to climb to safety. Since Countermeasures are in ArmA is better to stay high...come down to 1500m to lock...shoot or drop and climb above 2500m again.

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Anyway i like to fly with no engines on during a hig altitude approach for extra stealth but if i pull the thrust paddle alway the back it engages the "brakes"

The brakes are the airbrakes, go to external view and you'll see them automatically open when you close the throttle and dive at the target.

They automatically close when you pull up.

They're very useful because they stop you diving too fast at the target, and you can aim better at a slower speed..:)

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