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Better UAV Hellfire 'splash' damage?

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Hi guys, relatively new to Arrowhead. One mission i'm trying to do in the editor is one where an enemy officer is secretly meeting up with a few members of a terrorist group in a remote location. Ideally what i'd like from the mission is to drop a Hellfire into the middle of the meeting thus killing the 4 or 5 people in attendance. Now as far as i understand it, the UAV hellfires can only lock on to armored vehicles.

Therefore to get around this i added a couple of civilian cars and a Vodnik to suggest they were the forms of transport used to get to the rendezvous point; and to give the UAV something to lock onto (the Vodnik).

Bizarrely though when the UAV kills the Vodnik with a hellfire, the rest of the people in attendance come out completely unscathed despite having a hellfire completely total an armoured vehicle just 2 metres away (literally). I know the hellfire is designed to be a concentrated weapon that minimises collateral damage, but even so i find it hard to believe people standing 2-3 metres away from the Vodnik wouldn't be killed or at least severely injured when it got hit.

Is there any way to increase the blast damage radius and overall splash of the hellfire so those in an around the Vodnik perish???

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IMO all HEAT weapons in the game have way too little splash damage. Sure those weapons focus a great deal of their power forward to penetrate the armor, but there is still quite a bit of an explosion that goes in all directions, which in Arma 2 is very minimal for basically all weapons of this type. Even with ACE this isn't fixed :(

Of course it's hard to get the proper realistic values to correct things, but seriously, 1m kill radius and very low damage beyond that for an AT4 for example is rather silly. I doubt you'd remain combat-effective if you were 2m away from such a thing when it explodes.

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i also think the damage is not enough

i think many of us have already survived an Hellfire explosion 5m next to you

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Its easy to adjust in the config, at least it was in OFP, and i assume it is the same in ArmA2

EDIT: Also, if i remember correctly exploding vehicle splash damage was lowered ages ago, because it made mechanized infantry tactics ridiculously dangerous since vehicles are overly vulnerable. Vehicles were more of a liability than an advantage if you had infantry around. :p

Edited by NeMeSiS

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Can't the Hellfire missile lock onto a laser-designated target in vanilla, or is that only done in mods?

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Most HEAT weapons have a kill radius of 2m in this game.

Real UAVs equipped with Hellfires use antipersonnel versions, so that's the way to go.

It totally possibly to have a small caliber (RPG or AT4) HEAT warhead go off 2m from you and leave you unscathed in real life. Of course, you could also be standing 200m away and be decapitated. And Arma 2 doesn't model the effects of having your ears deafened (much) or having your face sandblasted by flying particles.

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the CG HEDP rounds have quite a good splash radius i find

but i do agree the hellfire should be increased a bit

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If you also notice, the explosion of a hellfire missile in Arma 2 is rather small, compared to real life.

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  ray243 said:
If you also notice, the explosion of a hellfire missile in Arma 2 is rather small, compared to real life.

Looks just right to me. Arma 2 explosions have maximum dust so it looks even bigger than this in-game.

The engine scales up explosions at range, and drastically exaggerates shoulder-fired AT weapons and FFARs.

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  maturin said:

Looks just right to me. Arma 2 explosions have maximum dust so it looks even bigger than this in-game.

The engine scales up explosions at range, and drastically exaggerates shoulder-fired AT weapons and FFARs.

Then it must be WarFX then.

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  The_Blink said:
the CG HEDP rounds have quite a good splash radius i find

Except you're talking about HEDP and we're talking about HEAT.

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