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Admin rule of conduct

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When i m admin i try to do theese thing (hope this ll help other admin):

1-I reassign if a guy come in the first 10 minutes after a play start, but i only restart one time not twice.If a player disconnect and come back in the first 15 min a restart is done to take him back.No restart, nor Reassign if 15min passed.If it's a coop mission it's 30minute max if ppl wait in the lobby.

If in a coop mission 3/4 ppl is dead i restart.

2-A guy that is connecting has 3 minutes to be ready (3 minutes is large enough for every ppl), after that i kick him to let the other play.A guy that ask me to boot a high pinger will be booted instead, just because i hate ppl that classify other OPF skill in their connection.

3-If there's a majority of 1/4 ppl in the server is waiting in the lobby the reassign is done.

4-I ask the other player which mission they like to play, i ll not set on my preferences.

5-I put newcomer in the list (becse of OPF panel bug)

6-When a guy do TK or other bothering thing, i warn him 3 times before kick, the boot is an extrem solution.

7-If a guy just come to OPF (a newbie u say), i ask him follow me and copy/cover me.I ll no kick newbie because they dunno how to play.In all the army the common law is to set beginner and veteran in the same team to improve beginner: let's do it in OPF.

i hope this ROC i set upon myself when i get admin can serve other guy *note i consider to be "connected under admin" as a duty and not as a privilege like some ppl do*

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You seem like a very fair admin smile.gif

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lol sounds like a n00b admin lmao.

If peeps ask you to kick a guy with high ping it doesnt have a damn thing to do with weather or not they think he is skilled, the problem is his high ping sucks for everyone else in the game. Having to wait for his loading, and then the lag kills in the game will just be rediculous. So whats your answer? Kick the players who just want a good lag free game? LAME!

You reassign 10 minutes into a game? What the hell? 10 minutes is a lot of gametime in OFP, so your willing to screw the other people on the server for one guy? lol I think you should at leaST ASK FIRST IF THEY ALL WANT TO RESTART. Hell in most servers a guy commin in 10 minutes after the start knows he has 20 minutes to wait, and accepts it. Or he should. This is not a game for the impatient if your late to a server.

You warn a guy doing tks 3 times? lol boot is excessive? lol but you'll kick a guy for asking you to boot high pingers? Thats not excessive? ROTFLMAO

Man TKers are the worst when they are doing it on purpose. I cant see how anyone has patience for a guy who is in the spawn shooting everyone on his team to try and get back the one guy who tkd him. Screw that. There is no excuse for a TK in the spawn. Boot those clowns asap. No warnings.

As a voted admin your duty is to do what the majority of players ask. Not go on some OFP admin morals crusade. LMAO fun read though thanks for sharing...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SGT KAMAI USMC @ May 19 2002,14:02)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">lol sounds like a n00b admin lmao.

If peeps ask you to kick a guy with high ping it doesnt have a damn thing to do with weather or not they think he is skilled, the problem is his high ping sucks for everyone else in the game. Having to wait for his loading, and then the lag kills in the game will just be rediculous. So whats your answer? Kick the players who just want a good lag free game? LAME!

You reassign 10 minutes into a game? What the hell? 10 minutes is a lot of gametime in OFP, so your willing to screw the other people on the server for one guy? lol I think you should at leaST ASK FIRST IF THEY ALL WANT TO RESTART. Hell in most servers a guy commin in 10 minutes after the start knows he has 20 minutes to wait, and accepts it. Or he should. This is not a game for the impatient if your late to a server.

You warn a guy doing tks 3 times? lol boot is excessive? lol but you'll kick a guy for asking you to boot high pingers? Thats not excessive? ROTFLMAO

Man TKers are the worst when they are doing it on purpose. I cant see how anyone has patience for a guy who is in the spawn shooting everyone on his team to try and get back the one guy who tkd him. Screw that. There is no excuse for a TK in the spawn. Boot those clowns asap. No warnings.

As a voted admin your duty is to do what the majority of players ask. Not go on some OFP admin morals crusade. LMAO fun read though thanks for sharing...<span id='postcolor'>


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Sheesh if he wants to be a patient, fair admin then good for him, there are more than enough asshole admins out there to compensate smile.gif

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First off..... There needs to be a code of conduct for freaking players !

1: no more gogogogogogo

2: no more plz come back and get me... evey 2 min's

3: no more tk'ing everyone you can

4: no Blowing ammo crates

5: no more I can fly

6: no more he tk'ed me kick him kick him kick him

7: no more " how much longer"

8: no more waiting for people to green up

Now call us assholes or what ever you want. But evey person that come's on a server expects you to stop a 30 min game 10 min's in... Or they want you to take time out of your playing time to kick some bozo all the time.

Why dont you people learn to respect the server your on and the admin's? I mean shut up wait till the games over then play and have fun.Respect that server's Reg's.. It's not like were asking alot. Play on your favorite server become a reg . You might go through hell to become a reg but it's worth it right?

1: always get a spot

2: dont have to worry about the nOOb word anymore.

But no you run your mouth's and cry and complain about every thing. You guy's go on every forum you can and bad mouth some admin somewhere cause he kicked some tk'er. Or he banned a guy for cheating. It never fail's. And it's always the Admin's Fault !! ALWAYS . You guy's never mouth off or tk on purpose do you ?

And then we get dick's like Placebo who call us asshole's

Grow up....

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I find it rather odd you took my statement personally, but such is life smile.gif

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Well Kamai maybe i didnt admin all the time... i just try to have a fair (and after a fun game). Thus if u were the guy that had the session lost bug in the briefing i ll certainly see u say "Thanks for coming back". I ve set this by a long long long practice time of OPF and never see up to this date a guy complain. Instead i ve see many ppl complain about the Clan admin that wait X minute to a clanmate to come, and you do you? Well take it easy, u have the right to be harsh, u have the right to anger: i just try to not made the same error i see on admin mode in another game which name begin by Counter (question-quizz in 2 part).

Follow this roc if u want, but follow it not if u must tounge.gif

*PS for info me an admin beginner.... learn that is was admin in a game named Legend of Kesmai 14 years before... i hope i ve pass the green time, did i ? wink.gif *

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Placebo..... Dude your an idiot . Pardon the pun

Man I have been bashed like a mofo on these here forum's for being an admin. And I ban the least amount of people ...

For you have let all the down with Drak post go on and on and on and on and on...

So dont  " find it odd "

what a joke

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (5thSFG Drak @ May 19 2002,21:01)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">First off..... There needs to be a code of conduct for freaking players !

1: no more gogogogogogo

2: no more plz come back and get me... evey 2 min's

3: no more tk'ing everyone you can

4: no Blowing ammo crates

5: no more I can fly

6: no more he tk'ed me kick him kick him kick him

7: no more " how much longer"

8: no more waiting for people to green up

Now call us assholes or what ever you want. But evey person that come's on a server expects you to stop a 30 min game 10 min's in... Or they want you to take time out of your playing time to kick some bozo all the time.

Why dont you people learn to respect the server your on and the admin's? I mean shut up wait till the games over then play and have fun.Respect that server's Reg's.. It's not like were asking alot. Play on your favorite server become a reg . You might go through hell to become a reg but it's worth it right?

1: always get a spot

2: dont have to worry about the nOOb word anymore.

But no you run your mouth's and cry and complain about every thing. You guy's go on every forum you can and bad mouth some admin somewhere cause he kicked some tk'er. Or he banned a guy for cheating. It never fail's. And it's always the Admin's Fault !! ALWAYS . You guy's never mouth off or tk on purpose do you ?

And then we get dick's like Placebo who call us asshole's

Grow up....<span id='postcolor'>

I was going to reply but Drak said it all.

All I can add is not much but something like YOU the players need to learn respect...

Now you say were all *** ect ect but when it comes to it we want to play a good game of ofp like most of you guys out their.

We have to listen to you cry to restart a game that has 20 + people in it cause you just connected lmao. if this was the case we would never ever get a full 30 min game in.

But I must say what is the worst is when we have to kick some total noob for either tking or blowing up the ammo crates.

Now you have pissed the admin off cause he has to stop playing his game while everyone else is still playing to kick your sorry ass. then come back to the game and find he is at respawn cause he got caped because of the noob kicking.

What you the players have to learn is wait you come in you see the timmer on the right hand counting down to 0 right. well wait or if you can't wait find another place. dont mic spam dont tell us their are two people in the lobby while 25 + are playing.

Were not going to go back for you deal with it.

lol one other thing this is the one that get me smile.gif you join a sever you have waited 20 mins to play a game and your afk playing pocket pool or what ever and I kick you cause you cant find the ready button dont come in 5 mins latter bitching.

You did it to your self for being afk.

This is not one big online chat room were here to play most of us anyway.

It's really easy for players of ofp you get in hit ok or ready and play a good game. but for some reason most people find that really hard to do.

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Well that was all good reading, positive, negative, otherwise.

Being an admin and making decisions is never clear cut, you need to be fair and also firm.

I think I know how things are run on other servers, but the reg's get no special treatment on mine. I treat everyone fairly, reg's simply get a hello from me smile.gif

Guaranteeing spots for regulars is damn right wrong, first in - best served, I'm sorry but there is no compromise here. If they are a regular then they know this.

I warn once if I notice a TK, if this warning is ignored and this occurs again, I simply kick and tell the user i'll see them next game.

Reassigning is generally up to the players in the game, it is their game time you are taking, if you wish to reassign, consult them and judge for yourself (players in game, consent, vs players outside, waiting).

I rarely reassign 10 minutes into a game, unless there is a lot outside, say if we had 10 in, 30 out. There is no point starting a game if you aint gonna finish it, consistancy is the name of the game, keep the games flowing, your players will appreciate it.

As far as kicking, banning, I have only banned one person, that person was not able to play on the server for about 2 months, and subsequently asked to be let back in on "good behaviour".

I do not kick someone for asking that a high ping player be kicked, that is not really worth commenting on.

Kicking of people based on their ping is done very carefully, I judge whether they are currently downloading or connecting, and ask the player if it is likely to settle, the player usually knows how his connection works.

Admins, whether voted, or using login, need to remember they are players first, admins second. We are all there to play the game, there is simply one guy who can make things run a little smoother.

Don't get delusions of granduer, play the game, support your players.


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5thSFG Drak have you finished acting all petulant and calling me names or would you like to carry on until I add you to the ban list? smile.gif

If you can't have a discussion without resorting to personal insults then you won't have any more discussions on here smile.gif

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Would you like for me to list some topic's that I took alot of personal insult's ? Cause I can for you.

And dont threaten me ! If you wana make the statement about admin's Being Asshole's , Then you should live through and deal with what ever is replyed to your Personal Attack on Admin's !

If you dont like it when some reply's back with the same tone you give out. DONT REPLY !~

And Damn sure DONT THREATEN ME !

I could sit here and call you some of the names I have been called on your OFP forum's. But I wont. If you wana ban me. GO FOR IT ! but dont cry and whine about being called an Idiot ! There is much worse I could call you ! Just go back and look for the down with Drak Topic !

All because a bunch of people got cought Useing an Ammo Trainer and Rage and I banned them. I went through Hell on this forum and YOU and the others did nothing. But If I say your an Idiot you wana threaten me with Banning me... LMFAO

I think you need to take a step back and look at what your saying. It's a Catch 22. Do as I say not as I do.

well I wont do either .

Ban me for that ... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. *Cough**Cough*hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha......................

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh  hahahahahahahaha

,.i.. ..i.,

get the point yet ?

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If you or anybody else don't follow the rules you get banned, take it as a threat, don't take it as a threat, it's all the same to me, it's really only fact smile.gif

"your Personal Attack on Admin's !"

If I'd named an or some admins then it would have been a personal attack, I didn't, I said "there are enough asshole admins out there" which there are, there are asshole admins, there are excellent admins, same as there are asshole cops, there are excellent cops, in any walk of life there are great people and there are assholes, nothing personal in that at all, just a simple comment, by choosing to call me names you decided to make things personal, that's entirely up to you.

As for the various server conflicts that have happened in the past, that was in the past, get over it already, steps have been taken to ensure that such things do not happen again, ask BigQEd about that if you seek confirmation, should we have dealt with such situations better in the past? Most probably, but then life is so simple when acted out through hindsight isn't it? smile.gif

If there are any things you would like to discuss about the forum or about myself feel free to contact me in the exact same way that BigQEd did when differences arose in the past smile.gif

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Hey Damage ,

If that how you admin it's kool man. I and some of our other Admin just feel that way. Players come on our server and dont cause problem's then they have earned the right to play. And I reward them with slot's. And let them enjoy them self's. It's just the way I am. You earn respect you get respect. I would rather have 20 or 30 guys in the game that I know wont be ass's and blow up the spawn crates or run around tk'ing everything.

I dont see being an Admin as a popularity contest. If I knew it was this much trouble to just play a game I wouldve told Ed NO to being an Admin. I took it cause He asked and when I played no one was around to pick map's it was the same 4 map's over and over and over when I played. It's get's real old having to stop my fun to kick a guy.

Anyways I repsect your opion on the matter. I just feel different about the reg's issue. O well ...

This is turning into another off the wall topic.. Peace

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There were email's there were comment's in that topic's asking to remove it. You all stood back and did nothing. No one replyed to my email's or the others that were sent to you guy's. So dont refer me to Ed , It Has nothing to do with Ed it was About ME ! I sent the email I posted comment's in the topic remove this. None of you cared. So dont play the political role and act like you all mighty and you care. Cause you dont nor have you.

You wana ban me. DO it , dont say You will. You said what you said. So I replyed back. And Yes Dick's like you always say the Admin was an Asshole. I wouldve never replyed to this topic if not been for your Idiotic reply.

It's Crap like this that ruin's fun not only for admin's but for player's. You guys wana scream admin's abuse but you never stop and look at what people do to piss off 30 other players fun. I am a OFP player first. So when you make me stop playing a great game to kick some snot nose kid for blowing and tk'ing every thing in sight It ruins my fun as well.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">If you or anybody else don't follow the rules you get banned, take it as a threat, don't take it as a threat, it's all the same to me, it's really only fact <span id='postcolor'>

LMFAO... when did you make this up ? Cause it was never a rule before. Or was this just said to sute YOUR needs at the time? Cause you was called an Idiot?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (5thSFG Drak @ May 20 2002,16:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">LMFAO... when did you make this up ? Cause it was never a rule before. Or was this just said to sute YOUR needs at the time? Cause you was called an Idiot?<span id='postcolor'>

Try reading other parts of the forum. Wobble was banned a couple of days ago for flaming people and was only allowed back on condition he posted an apology, I posted a message maybe 10 mins ago warning somebody in general that any repeat of their comment will result in a ban, I warned someone else a few days ago their comments were unacceptable and would result in a ban if repeated, every mod has warned people and banned people for "flaming" in the past, I don't know if you only post in MP or something but there are plenty like the examples above in the other forums smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (5thSFG Drak @ May 20 2002,17:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It's Crap like this that ruin's fun not only for admin's but for player's.<span id='postcolor'>

I think there's your problem. You think in two classes of people: admins and the rest. To me they just are players like anybody else. No difference.

It's quite simple: If a player knows the commands and listens to other people on the server, he can be a good admin if need arises. If he doesn't and still tries to be admin, he's not helping anybody and therefore probably just a dictatorial asshole (or maybe a newbee who just doesn't know any better).

Of course there are always lot's of people that qualify as one or the other, and many in between. So don't get pissed if someone makes a general comment about the second type of players/admins.

In german there's a saying "dogs that get hit bark". If YOU consider your style more belonging to the "a******" type, and therefore took the comment personally, the YOU got a problem, not Placebo... Think about it.

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thats right , Placebo is the right one here. Geeeezzzz what in the world was i thinking DOH !!!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (5thSFG Drak @ May 20 2002,20:09)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">thats right , Placebo is the right one here. Geeeezzzz what in the world was i thinking DOH !!!<span id='postcolor'>

You can have a different opinion on how to behave as admin, and you are fully entitled to tell us so. It's just the way you reacted to a statement that wasn't even aimed at you. There you were definitely on a wrong track. So calm down and discuss instead of flaming...

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I think I'm a very fair admin.

1) If someone comes in within the first two to five minutes of play and politely asks for a restart, I check with the other players, and with an ok, I restart.

2) TKers get one chance... I mean, sometimes you just accidentally drive over a teammate because he decided to bolt out from behind a building or happens to be in a jeep next to the tank you just lit up. But repeated offenses? Bam.

3) Cursing is fine with me, I curse like a sailor. Epithets though, racial/sexual orientation, I've got no time for that. You get one warning. Repeat the offense and you get the boot. (You'd be surprised how many people are stupid enough to say "What are you gonna do if I don't stop, fag?" after the warning....)

4) I usually make my own maps which include little repair scripts for ammo boxes (or brings in new ammo boxes if the originals are destroyed), so that's not a real issue for me.

That's about it. For me, most anything goes that doesn't actively spoil other people's fun. 'Base raping' (or as I call it 'bad defense'wink.gif complaints ain't gonna get you anywhere with me smile.gif


Dr. Charm

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