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Arma 2 OA CO & BFA

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the game language downloaded is English but I'm Italian (CO & BFA).

Is there a possibility to change language?

In the game options no.

Help me please.


[email protected]

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Yes, your key give the lenguage, or download some addon in google search

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Yes, your key give the lenguage, or download some addon in google search

I had downloaded the games ( Private Military Company and British Armed) from Gamersgate with the activation code of course.

Do you say there is an addon in google and I can change the language (so I can have sub in italian)


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Normally with an English version you should be able to change the language to Italian in the ingame options.

I recommend you this community for help in Italian: http://www.arma2.it

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If I'm not mistaken, PMC and BAF are available only in English language (BAF in czech too). OA should be in all languages.

The language can be changed in Options -> Game Options -> Select language .

Are you talking only about the PMC and BAF campaigns?

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If I'm not mistaken, PMC and BAF are available only in English language (BAF in czech too). OA should be in all languages.

The language can be changed in Options -> Game Options -> Select language .

Are you talking only about the PMC and BAF campaigns?

Yes, only those campaigns.

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Yes, only those campaigns.

Well, those are only in english and I don't think anyone has translated them.

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