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JIP-client players don't get tasks

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I have two files related to briefing-stuff which both are executed within the init.sqs:


execVM "briefing.sqf";
[] exec "tasks.sqf"; 

The briefing.sqf works fine for everyone.

tasks.sqf looks like this (excerpt):

task_radar = player createSimpleTask ["DestroyRadar"];
task_radar setSimpleTaskDescription ["description bla bla", "DESTROY RADAR", "DestroyRadar"];

Also a trigger with

condition: alive player
execution: [] exec "tasks.sqf" 

has no effect

The server player has a proper task tab in his log. But no matter at which point of time and where I execute tasks.sqf, a client player who joins in progress just has no task tab in his log.

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Here is a sample of briefing and tasks for JIP-players:


To make sure briefing.sqf also works every time, you need to have this as first line:

waitUntil {!isNull player};

Edit: And you need to use execVM for sqf files (for that task.sqf)

Edited by SaOk

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