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Advanced Smoke Grenages Script

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Hey all, is there a way at all to make the smoke grenades have a random way of smoking? for example some are more denser than others,

and vise versa. Also ive noticed that all the smoke goes to one direction! isnt there a way to make the smoke go with the direction of the wind?

Another thing im looking to do is have them so they can last longer in the time lengh. Are or is any of this possible? thanks.

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spawn a 2nd smoke on the current smoke can before it dies to make it last longer

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spawn a 2nd smoke on the current smoke can before it dies to make it last longer

LoL easy that... but not what im wanting, the smoke lasts a little time, and also I wanted them to be more dence (life like) and random etc...

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look into particle creation, cant really say much more since i dont know squat about it.

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Ah.. I think you want to change the basic property of SmokeShell?

I think this kind of tech is just like to create a new smoke (or nuke or other effect).

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Well yeah, starting with the propertys first would be great!

Demonized, looking into particle creation is something ive been trying, lol its a little beyond

me at the moment though, its why I kind of asked here, lol.

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i think for changing the property of the ingame smoke canisters, you need to make an addon, wich will require users to download and install it, ofc that will also have impacts on MP play as some servers dont allow other addons or only signed addons etc.

for creating more smoke, i would make 1 or more smoke canisters spawn just underground, near the original one, for creating longer lasting smoke, i would do the above multiple times on a time based interval, maybe create new ones 2 seconds before the old is dead etc..

And as kremator said, i think smoke DO move with the wind, but afaik, helicopters do not impact the smoke.

there is also the arty smokes wich is bigger and badder, but ive never really got around to actually create them by script, you could have a hidden art piece and use fired eventhandlers to catch the smokeshell fired and then just place it where you want.

Anyway, best of luck in this, as i would also be very interested in your results.

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Demon, mind giving me some starting points? lol im not a pro scripter... yet! haha

Thx mate

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1: createVehicle

2: sleep ishtime

3: createvehicle getpos below ground, and/or offset to the side etc..

or arty firing smoke with fired eventhanlder, now you should have all required to do this the script way.

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