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Herr anfsim

OA Crashes to desktop upon startup

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Hi, I have been having some serious problems with OA after buying a new laptop. ARMA2 works just fine but OA crashes when I get to the menu. All of the "intro" plays but when the menu and startupscene comes everything stops and quits with a message that the program has stoppe working.

my specs: i7-2720qm @ 2.2

8192 Ram

Windows 7 64Bit

Geforce GT540M

Any ideas?

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It might be a driver issue with audio/video...did you check to make sure all of your video/audio/chipset drivers are up-to-date? Even with new gear, sometimes manufacturers and vendors don't give you the best/newest ones that can solve some issues.

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Thei all seem pretty up to date. The strange thing is that the exact same thing happened on my old stationary pc. Arma 2 worked just fine but OA crashed. Was hoping someone had experienced something similair an had any tips.

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I only get the messae that the program has stopped working. There is no code og description of any kind.

Tried running as administrator with no luck. I really dont understand this

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hmmm.... what does dxdiag say?

*edit* i had this problem once too but then i uninstalled the catalyst driver that came with the card and d/l the latest.. You have Geforce, so it's different. Could still be a GPU issue. Your game is patched up?

Edited by Flattermann

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the game is patched and the drivers are the most recent. What do you mean by dxdiag?

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Try deleting or renaming (rename is best so you can put it back again) your OA config under user name/settings documents (not sure path in win7) so it has to re apply itself and settings, and try changing res to low (via editing config) to see if that lets you get into it and test. Also check your RPT crash files as they can help show any errors, again paths in win7 escape me but im sure someone can post where these are located in win7 or search this forum.

Another way is to rename your current profile name folder so it cant find anything and creates a new one when loading, if this then works you can start to work out what's happening by starting very low settings and step your way up to see if it happens again, when it does check your RPT crash file for the last time it loaded and see what error is and post it here.

If your using any mods, dont run them and try first.

Stabs in the dark a little bit, but see how you go.

BTW Dxdiag is DirectX diagnostics which shows any problems or driver issues, just start > run > (then type) "dxdiag" and ok.

Edited by mrcash2009

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Finally it works. I uninstalled arma 2 and AO an tried with just OA reinstalled. It works. Dont know if i dare installing Arma2 again :P

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Well thats half fixed it right? I mean, thats quite a strange way to resolve it by having half the install?

I would say that since you have confirmed you combined install had issues, uninstall again, install a2 then oa into the a2 folder as combined, then patch to 1.09 and then start a new profile, otherwise you have halved your possibility online and content.

Did you try any of my mentioned steps before hand?

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