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Committing Suicide

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Hello everyone, I was wondering if there is a simple way to make it so that an enemy officer will kill himself instead of being captured?

For example: we have been sent in to capture an enemy officer for questioning, but when we get close enough to him, he either drops dead from poison, or he pulls out a pistol puts it to his head and pulls the trigger.

If there is a way to do either it would be greatly appreciated!


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I would use a trigger to kill him:


player distance officer < 15


officer setdamage 1;

would be the an easy way.

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If you get yourself a sound file of a pistol shot, this will work even better:

<insert unit name> addWeapon "<insert pistol classname>";
<insert unit name> switchMove "ActsPercMstpSnonWpstDnon_suicide2B";

sleep 5.5;

playSound "<insert sound name>";
<insert unit name> setDamage 1;

Obviously, insert the information where it's indicated. This will make him pull out whatever pistol you get it, put it to his head, and then shoot himself.

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I can confirm there is a suicide animation (look in the animation viewer). I noticed it about a week ago when looking for something else.

The AI raises a pistol to the side of his head.

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Yes, in fact I employed a suicide scene much the way Zipper5 describes above, including custom gunshot noise and the animation. It's in the campaign I recently released.

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