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Triggering OPFOR to attack CIVILIANS

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EDIT2: Solved! (see post below this one).

EDIT1: civ_unit addRating -10000 works, however, BLUFOR will kill the CIVILIANs as well. Since BLUFOR is around, this is not acceptable.

First post here, since I've found all other solutions myself before. So yes I used the search function.

What I want is fairly simple (I would think): OPFOR moves into a town (trigger), which suddenly makes them hostile to CIVILIANs. However, whatever code I put in the trigger action box does not work. Not setFriend, not joinSilent WEST, no nothing.

Initlines, init.sqs and mission.sqm work, I know that. But that doesn't let you change sides during gameplay.

(Background: I want a storyline of seemingly friendly troops getting in a town, acting all nice and friendly, then suddenly start killing people. Ok, kinda harsh, but... that could be life in a war torn country.)

Thanks in advance.

Slightly frustrated,


Edited by thedarkbird

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The best thing to do, is have all of the civilians start as blufor by attaching each civilian to a group with a blufor who outranks them (a private attached to a colonel). Then make the bluefor have a probility of pressence to 0.

Then put in each init "this setcaptive true" and then the trigger set them all to "civilian5 setcaptive false"

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The best thing to do, is have all of the civilians start as blufor by attaching each civilian to a group with a blufor who outranks them (a private attached to a colonel). Then make the bluefor have a probility of pressence to 0.

Then put in each init "this setcaptive true" and then the trigger set them all to "civilian5 setcaptive false"

Fast reply. Thanks a lot, it works :)

Bad points for Bohemia tho. Things like this make mission editing a pain.

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Agreed, but it works at least..

I am sure you can make a script that does a better job of it for you, but this is the easiest and most fool proof way. 100% success.

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Fast reply. Thanks a lot, it works :)

Bad points for Bohemia tho. Things like this make mission editing a pain.

They can't come up with EVERY scenario. That's WHY you learn scripting !

Next you'll be saying you want INTELLIGENT AI :bounce3:

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They can't come up with EVERY scenario. That's WHY you learn scripting !

Next you'll be saying you want INTELLIGENT AI :bounce3:

True, but they could have made some functions work better (i.e. more consistent), like setFriend or joinSilent in this case. I've been doing some mission editing for OFP: DR as well, and their system is better (but their game lacks realism, that's why I stick to Arma).

The AI is hopeless, I won't even bother bringing it up :p

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Lately I have been making a lot of missions where Opfor roll into town and start whiping out everyone without a weapon....seems to add more life into why your going after the baddies...anywhoz.

I usualy just put - EAST setFriend [CIVILIAN, 0]; in a functions module or set a trigger to activate in a certain area when the opfor roll in...most of the time I'll set a minimum amount of time for visual effects....they roll in, alls well and peacefull.....wrong, bang bang bang, yadda yadda yadda....

Seem's to work just fine even when the civies are spawned from the ambient mod...I wont say opfor will attack ALL civi's but from what Ive seen they attack enough of them to make it worth trying?

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