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Reezo' Tauntspeaker Script (taunt your enemies with a loudspeaker!)

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The Loudspeaker

by Reezo


Mar 22th, 2011 - my 30th birthday!

Visit us at: www.sr5tactical.net

As you can see with the civilians, some flee the area right away, others do not (it will take them a little more time). The ones from ALICE (the ambient civilians module) will not have editor-placed waypoints and will flee immediately. User-created civilians will be more reluctant, if they have waypoints placed in the editor. This is to simulate that civilians that "were meant to be there" will be more stubborn than "casual" ones.


This script equips an object (like a vehicle) with a quite powerful, amplified loudspeaker that you can use to taunt the enemy or ask the civilian population to evacuate the area.


- Custom, realistic loudspeaker sounds of a real 5 Scots interpreter taunting the Talibans

- You can set the influence and range of the loudspeaker

- AI behaves randomly, so there can be no way to know for sure if the enemy is NOT there or if it is there but it is not willing to give away its position!

- Civilian crowd control can get unpredictable and more than a broadcast can be necessary


- None, this script suite works with any installation of ArmA 2, OA and CO

- It is pretty much 99% update-safe, meaning there is practically no official update that can break the script suite

How to set it up:

1) Copy the following folder into your mission folder:

> scripts\Loudspeaker

2) Open the description.ext and add the #include lines to your description.ext

3) To let a unit or object use the Loudspeaker (e.g. a HMMWV), put this in its init field:

nul0 = [this,500,50,90] execVM "scripts\Loudspeaker\loudspeaker.sqf";


this - is the object you want to be able to call the Loudspeaker from

500 - is the audible range of the speaker

50 - is the probability in % of attracting enemy fire

90 - is the probability in % of persuading the civilian population to leave the area



- FIXED: Sounds could be heard anywhere in the map

- ADDED: Respawn compatibility

Multiplayer compatibility:

- Tested and working.

Known bugs:

- None

Future features:

- I know you can get a lot of ideas from this..


If you want to make changes I would please ask you to contact me for my permission. Do not use it for anything commercial or in the military.


"Ross Kemp returns to Afghanistan" - audio clips

SpectreRSG - Idea and sounds for the Civilian Evacuation part

SR5 Tactical - my men


Nothing I can really "claim" or track you down with..so please don't just be an assh*le and if you do any change to this script or implement it in your missions or scenarios..please add some kind of credit line to this work. It would be kind :)

How to pay me back:

- Anything really expensive

Mirroring and downloads:

Please do not mirror this file. Use the following link to get the latest, better, shiny, original version:

if the link is down..contact me.

For feedback, email me at info(at)sr5tactical.net

Enjoy and have fun, see you on the battlefield,

- Reezo

Edited by Reezo

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First, happy bday! And another awesome idea! Testing now.

Thanks man! :)

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I love the idea, and the audio clip really adds a level of realism. Great first release.

- Allow only vehicle passengers to be able to use to the script (Driver, Gunner not allowed to use it as the guy usually saying the stuff is sitting in back with a mic anyways).

- Other people in my server could not hear the loudspeaker message (I was able to hear it, but I was the player and was hosting the non-dedicated server);

- I was the only one who could use the action for some reason. Note I was the player and non-dedi hoster, my friends were set to playable.

- Rename addAction to "Engage Loudspeaker", "Broadcast Message" or something. Not "Tauntspeaker". :P

This was attached to a HMMWV, with your detector vehicle script and a vehicle respawn script on it as well.

Edited by SpectreRSG

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What a great idea....... psychological warfare is coming.

I can sense the BananaPhone Song driving the insurgents wild !

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Custom, realistic loudspeaker sounds of a real 5 Scots interpreter taunting the Talibans

does that mean what i think it means? :O :O

Have a taste of my Claymore willy!

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Thanks for the feedback guys. I fixed the bugs already..mostly coming from the fact that I keep coding off my iPad and theory does not match practice, often. That is when beta testing gets into play.

Expect v1.1 release later in the day..

Community sites if possible wait for v1.1 to be released to announce it :) and thanks for making it a piece of news!

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Cool mate. Will wait a little for 1.1 then, but sounds good already!

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V1.1 released

- FIXED: MP Compatibility

The action is now called "Engage Loudspeaker" and is presented in a very annoying and taunting fucsia color!

I didn't modify the action behaviour because I am thinking one could use an extensible cable to reach for the microphone and talk from a safe point BEHIND the vehicle. Also, it could be used for backbacks and other items. Plus it was faster to code :)

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Good job ... testing now :)

Let me know how it goes on a dedicated :) I haven't had chance to test it myself, I have another optimization in mind but I am not sure it will do anything consistent. It is a simple script and it should just work without too much stress on the server/clients..

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Just did a test of it on a non-dedi; the sound was still local to whomever used it.

Also, after you use the action the first time, it goes back to being the old white Tauntspeaker option.

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Maybe it's because of say3d and not say? Weird, the script gets launched on all machines now..

color fix is easy :)

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Mh, try redownloading the file now. It's a slightly fixed version. Are you using ACE? I remember ACE had some anti-sound-spam fixes (e.g. car horns) that could affect this. Very long shot..

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Yes, all my testing is with ACE. And it's confirmed only local to the person hitting the action only hears it, on a dedicated.

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Replaced the sounds with Richard Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries and Little Richard's Long Tall Sally, for personal use. Worked like a charm. :yay:

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Yes, all my testing is with ACE. And it's confirmed only local to the person hitting the action only hears it, on a dedicated.

Mh, it should be tested on a Vanilla server, even non-dedi I think it would work just to see if this the problem..maybe I can work around it with createsoundsource..if I knew how to use it.. Lol

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Would be interesting to see if anyone else was having that problem with the sounds played by one person could NOT be heard by another.

And Lol @ Laqueesha, thats a good idea.

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Yes indeed, lol x2 as well ;)

Constructive feedback required:

Do all units on the server hear the loudspeaker sound when in proximity of the taunt speaker vehicle?

What mods were you running during the test?


Edited by Reezo

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May I ask for some kind soul to make a promotional video of this script? It would be funny and awesome at the same time, something like fawsome or funsome or fuwesome :) Just grab a short video while in a coop or something, anything would do.

We could open up a contest for custom taunting sounds! (lol)

Edited by Reezo

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Just frap it while playing with it in a coop or something, anything would do.

I misread that the first time....

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Is it possible to add something also tells any CIV to run away? IE, adding the ability to tell the CIVs to run away in a broadcast before using your EOD script to detonate a bomb.

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