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Hey guys,

Was sick and tired of the old sprint/shooter games (you know which ones I mean....) and was pointed in this direction. So far I've only been in the single player trying to get controls down; great game so far!

That said, I thought I'd venture into a MP setting but everyone seemed to have add ons and I wasn't able to get in? What exactly do I need to d/l to join in? I've only got OA and nothing else for now.

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Welcome, and thank you for dumping run-and-gun games :cheers:

What exactly do I need to d/l to join in?

Whatever is required by the specific server. Not many servers use the exact same addon package (except some running the ACE2 mod maybe), so you'll have to find a good public server (good meaning low ping and playing gametype you like) and look at the required addons, and download them from armedassault.info or armaholic.com. And patch the game to the version required by the server (mostly either the latest official patch, or the latest beta patch).

Edited by JdB

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Welcome, and thank you for dumping run-and-gun games :cheers:

Thanks for the welcome and my pleasure, really!

Whatever is required by the specific server. Not many servers use the exact same addon package (except some running the ACE2 mod maybe), so you'll have to find a good public server (good meaning low ping and playing gametype you like) and look at the required addons, and download them from armedassault.info or armaholic.com. And patch the game to the version required by the server (mostly either the latest official patch, or the latest beta patch).

Very good, I'll head to those sites and hopefully get what I need; thank you again. :yay:

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Most missions use also ArmA2 (so in fact Arma2 + OA, also known as ArmA2 CO) which is probably the main reason you can't play in the multliplayer.

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Welcome to the New World! :unclesam:

ArmA 2 has a steep learning curve but we're here to help you.

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Most missions use also ArmA2 (so in fact Arma2 + OA, also known as ArmA2 CO) which is probably the main reason you can't play in the multliplayer.

Ahhh you are exactly right. It's not an add on I'm missing, I'm missing Arma2 BAF and PMC for most of these it looks like. Ok, well I've got a new goal then. :)

Lonestar: Thanks, I'm sure I'll be needing it!

So I'm guessing there are clans and such here? They worth getting into? I'm interested in that even though I've no involved myself in such things in many years now.

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Welcome to the series, you made a wise decission :cool:

There is an ArmA 2 & OA - SQUADS AND FANPAGES section where you can find lots of info about squads and if interested you simply visit their site and see how/what they are doing:


There you will aslo see what addons you need to join them.

Also, as far as I am aware intoriduction topics are not allowed here on the BI forums but you can at any time ask specific questions about issues you have in the correct forum section for such questions.

Good luck :)

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