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New Configs Help

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Ok, ive started using new configs for my map and im having trouble now

since doing so, im having no problems with binarizing with it but once on the

game the map isnt in the menu. I am pretty sure its the config as it was

fine before, but im wanting to use the new updated OA configs.

Can someone please take a look here "Pastebin" and let me know if there is

any problems please?

Or can someone share a working config? lol...

Thanks guys.

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Hi darkess take a look at mine as i dont require any addons you have

CAData,CABuildings,CABuildings2,CAStructures,CARoads2,CARocks2,Chernarus of which no arma2Oa is there its arma2 stuff your requiring this is how oa looks Ca_e misc_e structures_e if you get me

In my config for using oa content i leave required addons blank.

I beta tested map with my son last night and it was all good so i now know it goes multi player this way with no errors using the config in my guide just got to sort my ladder and door anims out and ill be done.

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Nah its not that mate, I tried that part various ways as thats what I thought, ive tried it with OA stuff ie "Ca_e" and so on... also just requiring "Takistan" also but still nothing.

There is no errors in the binarize and also the Arma2 rpt file isnt showing anything. It can only be the config as ive had this map working with the OLD config, but outdated! ..

I think only way is, anyone got an updated config.cpp file to share please? im looking mainly for the updated weather configs from OA and also the "class OutsideTerrain" part.


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Have a look at [ADO]Yapal config.

The map is CO because I need to use railways ^^ but it's mainly built with OA textures & objects. I havn't changed anything in the sky part, so it's still Utes background but "outside terrain" works fine.

For the sky part, have a look at Kju answer :http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=116052

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Thanks guys! seems the configs I updated were correct, its all working now... I just reinstalled all the bis tools and bam! working ... back to work on my maps once again, hehe.


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