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Road To Caen Demo

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I had free weeekend so I looked at Fab's files. GUI is now integrated with the last beta. I did some minor tweak (very few-cause Fab did 99% of all work). I think I should release next version during this week. It still have some bugs but I hope I will fix them.

In new release will be :

-It will be added mg34 on tripod, mg42 tripod, granatwerfer 34,pak 35,pak 40 - to Axis side

-2cm mortat,3cm mortar, polsten,daimler scout car,6pounder to British side.

-New things like Feld Fu, Wireless, mg34, p08,p38, n2mk1

-Beautiful optics to all weapons (really sweet)

Like I said many times - I'm not a scripter so few things may not work. But I'll try to look at them ASAP. Unfortunately most of good scripters which I tried to contact are innactive,lost their interests in ofp or they switched to (f)Arma 2/3/4/5 so progress will be a bit longer then I expected.



I'll make some screens to show new stuff after dinner.

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Great thanks to Fab for coming back and releasing his stuff, but I'm impressed that You, my dear Bielow, have found time and will to put it together - it's not a secret that You have bigger priorities in life than computer games. :)

I'm also not very talented in addon-making (good to know my limitations :D), but if you need help, give me a sign through BIF (I'm not available on gg recently), maybe I'll be able to help you.

Good luck!

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Dear Bielow and Fab,

I just wanted to say thank you all for this great release, you made an OFP veteran very happy with these outstanding new toys, thanks alot :notworthy:

I hope there will be some future plans with the rest of the addons (revival of the WWIIEC :o would be really nice)

Greetings and all the best to you.

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Dear Bielow and Fab,

I just wanted to say thank you all for this great release, you made an OFP veteran very happy with these outstanding new toys, thanks alot :notworthy:

I hope there will be some future plans with the rest of the addons (revival of the WWIIEC :o would be really nice)

Greetings and all the best to you.

I was a bit away from Ofp but during that time I worked a bit with Fab's files. Soon (today-tomorrow-toyota :P) I'll release new version as soon I discover how to make it 1.99 CWA compatibile.


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Thanks alot for your answer Bielow I am really excited :D

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