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Making helicopters hold at a certain height

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I have the helicopter flying to a location and i want it to hold at a certain height when it arrives. Is there a way to do that?

I tried using the:

"FlyInHeight" command but that didn't work.

"SetPos" command but that didn't work either.

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flyinheight should work. It may leave that height though if it engages enemies. I've always used flyinheight to make it work (since OFP).

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ok...i probably typed it in wrong. I will try again, thanks for the help.

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If that doesn't work, try setting the helicopter's state to "CARELESS". This will keep flyinheight from being overridden by the AI.

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please stop answering EDITING QUESTIONS all over the forums...

I love that each time a new guy joins in, there are more newbs answering his questions, instead of reporting it for misplace.

read the damn forums rules for a change, and use the search function!

/rant over: i am so sick and tired trying to navigate through those forums which gets cluttered each day

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please stop answering EDITING QUESTIONS all over the forums...

I love that each time a new guy joins in, there are more newbs answering his questions, instead of reporting it for misplace.

read the damn forums rules for a change, and use the search function!

/rant over: i am so sick and tired trying to navigate through those forums which gets cluttered each day

My apologies. I'll make sure that next time someone does this i'll point them to the right place so that they can post the same question there and their thread here will still be right where it is; still confusing you somehow. Also I'll be sure to make myself feel superior to everyone else, including people who have been here five years longer than myself (not even possible), by pointing out to them that they are "newbs". /rant (perhaps you weren't referring to me though)

Seriously though, I saw that the guy had a question that I could answer in five seconds so I answered his question. I always appreciated people answering my questions quickly and I was just trying to be a nice guy. I probably should've pointed him to the right forum section though and I apologize for not doing that. Don't take anything before my /rant seriously.

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