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question about cutscene in arma 2

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what im wonderin is it possible to make a cutscene that will pop up on just one corner of the screen during a mission and not the hole screen??

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Never seen it done, so I'd take a guess that it isn't possible.

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Are you talking about the ones in the iPhone/ gps in pmc campaign? Thats recorded video. Probably as close as it can come, but I'm not sure.

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well i wasnt thinking about the pmc GPS video but that can work asswell all i have to do then i to prerecord a clip i guess.

Is it possible to get some information on how to put prerecorded clipp into that gps bis video function. and what kind of file format it needs to be???

any help would be appriciated

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I was looking in the functions viewer and found this: Might be what you want for the pmc GPS video? It plays in-game video in GPS frame.


not sure how to use it but see the spoiler for add info:

scriptName "fn_customGPSvideo.sqf";


Author: Karel Moricky


Plays in-game video in GPS frame.


_this select 0: STRING - Video




#define GPS_DISPLAY (uinamespace getvariable "BIS_RscMissionScreen_customGPSvideo")

#define GPS_CONTENT (GPS_DISPLAY displayctrl 1100)

#define GPS_FRAME (GPS_DISPLAY displayctrl 1101)

_this spawn {

_content = _this select 0;

_sizeCoef = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {1};

19 cutrsc ["RscMissionScreen","plain"];

waituntil {!isnull (uinamespace getvariable "BIS_RscMissionScreen")};

uinamespace setvariable ["BIS_RscMissionScreen_customGPSvideo",uinamespace getvariable "BIS_RscMissionScreen"];

_contentConfig = configfile >> "RscMiniMap" >> "controlsBackground" >> "CA_MiniMap";

_contentX = getnumber (_contentConfig >> "x");

_contentY = getnumber (_contentConfig >> "y");

_contentW = getnumber (_contentConfig >> "w");

//_contentH = getnumber (_contentConfig >> "h");

_contentH = _contentW * (10/16) * (4/3); //--- Aspect ration fix

_frameConfig = configfile >> "RscMiniMap" >> "controls" >> "CA_MinimapFrame";

_frameX = getnumber (_frameConfig >> "x");

_frameY = getnumber (_frameConfig >> "y");

_frameW = getnumber (_frameConfig >> "w");

_frameH = getnumber (_frameConfig >> "h");

_frame = if (isnil "BIS_fnc_customGPS_Params") then {

//--- Default

gettext (_frameConfig >> "text");

} else {

//--- Modified by BIS_fnc_customGPS

_params = BIS_fnc_customGPS_Params;

if (count _params > 1) then {

_dX = _params select 1;

_contentX = _contentX + _dX;

_frameX = _frameX + _dX;


if (count _params > 2) then {

_dY = _params select 2;

_contentY = _contentY + _dY;

_frameY = _frameY + _dY;


_params select 0;



Put this in a trigger - it will play a PMC video in the GPS

_script = ["\ca\video_pmc\CP00_Reynolds_b.ogv",1.04] spawn bis_fnc_customGPSvideo;
waitUntil {scriptDone _script};

That file is in .ogv format which can be played by the opensource VLC media player. Not sure yet if it accepts other formats.


[path,sizeCoef] call BIS_fnc_customGPSvideo


path: String - full path to image file

sizeCoef (Optional): Number - screen size coeficient (default is 1)

Return Value:

Script - script which terminates itself once video ends


Edited by PELHAM

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