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Which skills are applied to A.I.?

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Which skills are applied to A.I.? I've tried to figure out with editor and scripting, but still I am not sure.

A.I. skill can be adjusted by

* slider in the editor

* command setskill and setskill ["skill",x]

* difficulty options

So which skill setting is applied to a soldier placed in the editor and created on the fly with createUnit + setskill?

Does "superskill" in the difficulty settings overwrite all other skill options and commands?

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Skill of AI units set via the slider in unit placement screen varies from 0.2 to 1.0.

If superAI is enabled all units have skill of 1.0 regardless of the skill slider

if you set the highest difficulty, place a unit with

this setSkill 0.5

in init line.

Then place this in a trigger to hint what type of skill it really has:

hint format["actual skill of unit is %1",(skill unitname)];

To be sure save mission as SP mission and play mission from scenarios menu, not editor.

enable superAI difficulty and watch the hint for the unit.

Now you will see if unit has skill of 0.5 (set by setskill command) or if superAI adjusts any AI to 1 regardless of commands.

1 is ofc highest skill for AI aka superAI.

Edited by Demonized
corrected spelling error.

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I think superAI overrides any setSkill n values, possibly also setSkill ["type",n], that are set in the mission. But still scaled to the servers AI difficulty.


Not sure if everything works, or if increasing values are a "positive effect". If it was, then aimingShake should possible have been called aimingSteadiness. I don't think setSkill n actually sets the individual skills though.

Would be nice with some clarification here, maybe linked to in the wiki pages.

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I've done some tests a few days ago for something I'm working on, and this is what I found out so far.

_unit setSkill 1 will set all different skill types to 1 ("aimingShake" should in fact be called "aimingSteadiness" ;))

_unit setSkill ["General", 1]; Hint str(skill _unit); will return 1, no matter what the other skill types are

_unit setSkill ["General", 1] has no effect to the other skill types (like setSkill 1 would have)

with Super AI enabled skill _unit will return 1, while _unit skill "General" will return whatever value it is set to

Skill sliders (in options) for friendly / enemy units seem to have no effect on any of the skill values

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I think this works for me for both spawned and placed AI. Well I'm almost sure it does :). The AI to which it's applied seem to miss like hell. With the enemy AI that at least gives me a chance to know who's shooting at me.

Not sure how other settings affect these though.

_dude setskill ["aimingAccuracy",0.15];
_dude setskill ["spotDistance",0.85];
_dude setskill ["spotTime",0.85];
_dude setskill ["courage",0.85];
_dude setskill ["commanding",0.85];
_dude setskill ["aimingShake",0.15];
_dude setskill ["aimingSpeed",0.65];

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