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ping too high getting kicked annoying

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Why does basically every server have a ping of 180 to me? is everyone that plays this game an east coaster or European? I can only play on like three servers because apparently 180 is too high of a ping.

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First off there is a small problem with the pings in the server browser as they are always reported to be to high (fals reading) but are oke after you connected to the server. 180ms is quite high altough we only kick at 250 / 300 or above! We have some U.S. players on our team that have a ping of around 125ms. What might happen is that you wireless router function is slowing your hole network down. Sometimes updating the router firmware and NIC drivers can solve this problem. What you can also try is turning it off completely just for a test. Also if you have a 1GB router try forcing your network driver to nagotiate on that speed (so router linkspeeds 1:1 with NIC speed). You can also try to forward the ports needed for Arma2 in the router for better packet relay and make sure noone in your household is downloading at the times your play (do that when you sleep). If non of the above helps come to one of our CO servers (Amsterdam) to test its up 24/7 our A2 server is in Slovakia a little further out, but also no complaints here!

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