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Server side mission possible?

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This is my plan - to host a coop tournament to test the skills of coop teams. However, for the integrity of the tournament I dont want players to be able to see the mission b4 they play it.

Is it possible to build the addon but keep a key file or files server-side so that the missions only run on this dedi?


Would be great if this can be done so we can get some tournaments running - that side of things I have done several times b4 in Ghost Recon so i have all those details figured out already.

Just need to protect the mission from prying eyes.


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Yes. Just transfer the data via PV(EH) from the server to the clients.

However keep in mind that some things need to be computed locally and that you will

run into issues if you want to transfer large amount of data via PV or other means.

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the question is - once its transferred does the player then have the complete file to hand to anyone else?

imagine there are 20 coop teams involved with 2 or those teams from 1 clan. 1 clan could play the mission and pass off the file for their other team to get a cheat look/play b4 insertion.

i need to prevent this if possible.

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the question is - once its transferred does the player then have the complete file to hand to anyone else?

YES, they will have a complete file.

I don't know about a solution, except maybe make the mission dynamic in some aspects and set those conditions from within after the mission is started - let me explain it better:

Add playable slot for 'Civilian' side, where you will connect to act as some kind of "game keeper".

After the mission is started, let it wait until the "game keeper" sets some variables which will serve as a base to generate some mission content, and then let the mission play.

Or better yet: (i am stupid, this should be the thing i though of first!)

Make the mission partially dynamic, depending on some mission parameters (those you can set in the MP lobby).

Just connect to the server as Admin, set the parameters, and start the mission (without selecting player slot for yourself).

That way, even if the players get the complete mission PBO, they will not know the parameter values you used, and they will be unable to reproduce the events of the original session.

(ofcourse, it is possible to "sniff"/log the traffic by some player to dig out those parameters from it, which you cannot prevent, only hope nobody will try)

...but wait, using the MP lobby parameters may not be the best solution after all,

because players can access those parameters too and see which values you set them to.

So your safest bet is probably the first method i mentioned (until somebody comes with better solution).

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You can have positions in your server side addon and transfer it to the clients.

This makes the mission alone without it, rather useless.

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