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Ai Spawn under command

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Been trying to search this one for awhile, tried here and Google, although I'm not quite sure what its called, How do I spawn AI already under someones command then they die to be still under there command so you start the mission with say, 2 men, and one dies, but re spawns at the re spawn marker but is still under your command ?

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I see what your asking, I think that you will lose command of AI after they respawned.

What you can try is place a player down (you) down with 2 AI grouped to you and then somehow

get one killed and if hes still under your command then you have your answer.

but there also recruit AI:


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You just need to spawn it in the players group.

"TK_INS_Soldier_MG_EP1" createUnit [getmarkerpos "pos",player, "", 0.5, "CORPORAL"];{addSwitchableUnit _x} forEach units player

That should create a unit on at marker "pos" he will join the players group and you will be able to switch to him.

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Ther's also join. You may need to to "join" him to the group.

Something like this for example:-

_unit = _grp createUnit [_recruit, position player, [], 10, "FORM"];
[_unit] join _grp;

Edited by twirly

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