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Knives/Bayonets and butt thrusts

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It would be great to have knives or bayonets since an ArmA soldier without any bullet is cannon fodder (AI should be able to handle that).

At least it should be possible to attack with your gun's butt (hmm, that's the word the dictionary says o_O). I don't understand why such a function isn't implemented already.

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The last three topics on this subject were closed, i suspect this one will follow. But before, i agree with the OP, it should be implemented through the engine rather than through scripting. And no, it's not hard nor time consuming for BI as it was implemented back in OFP through a weapon simulation, but it was taken away from the actual engine.

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Definitely a needed option, but like Prof said, previous threads have been locked.

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We've had numerous of previous threads discussing the same topic. Please search before posting.

Edited by Rellikki

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